Why are there only 3 deckhand crew?

we got the redwake warrior, sailors and ravenna desserters


lore reason ig, we might get one at Sameria after we’re done with it ( assuming it doesnt get destroyed by the end )

if sameria’s army is destroyed it would give the soldiers a reason to join our crew

…well, you’re not wrong but like

i would rather people not die yk

who telling him about the upcoming siren crew

Bro i made this post before the siren crew was in the trello

siren crew, sameria crew and maybe keraxe deserters or smth

my question was more like
‘why didnt we get more crew with nimbus sea update’?

wait what

cat crew when

nah if it is keraxe they likely just want to continue warring the seas and will join you after some money prob increasing ramming and ram defense

cuz we have just started, dont rly expect anything much for now until the near end

end of nimbus dark sea update will have a siren queen quest, which will reward you with a siren crew