Why death shouldn't be an edgy magic (or at least have a non edgy variation)

says the person using its symbol as a profile picture


It’s Darkness Magic symbol, not Death Magic Symbol idiot


so thats cool and all but is the first thing you think about when death magic is mentioned just a bunch of painted skull projectiles
…well i mean that sounds cool for a character but i cant imagine death magic in general being themed around that. AO seems to be straying away from anything cartoony

if you scrolled up you would have seen the idea for a white version of death magic

yeah but white neutral basic energy magics are lame, especially considering what its supposed to be.
thats not too far off from adding magic magic to the game which has magic spells that look like magic

well then idk man same shit applies for evil dark magics

they are lame but at least theres a theme going on. like obviously shadow is gonna be some shapeless dark thing, and darkness and death are both meant to be the more powerful version of it. you tryna turn death magic into a philosophical concept that doesnt mean anything too specific


death magic seems like a black magic with green/red/purple/blue undertones, maybe faint skull references or outlines

you are not as edgy as halloween boss from ar

liar, blood amgic cringe

he killed you 9 times

what im trying to say is that, like many lost or ancient magics (that are subject to change as usual), death magic’s only purpose is to be an upgrade to a weaker magic. theres no reason for death to exist except to be a stronger darkness which is a stronger shadow. if there was no shadow or darkness, then it’d just be that game’s version of the evil dark magic.

now if you remove that and try to turn death into some neutral catch all magic that’s meant to… hurt people? well literally anything can fit that criteria and still bring something else to the table

withering status!!!

No, that’s darkness magic and AA’s shadow magic’s effect

Would raise a question of what death’s effect would be.


that’s it

would be cool if the effect was something like taking increased damage

why does wapings take on this both make sense and absolutely sucks at the exact same time

he’s like a slightly less miserable perf

This is what Death Magic looked like drawn by TrollusRT. I have no clue if it will look like this in Arcane Odyssey, I’ve heard some inconsistencies like people saying that Death Magic is officially only black but then others saying it’s officially black with some red.


Supposedly it was a completely silent magic with extremely high damage but slow casting time, effective for assassinating. The magic types card made no mention of this, only stating it to be a unique magic that can only use cursed and forbidden spell types. So we have no idea what it’s going to be like in-game.

This is the only thing that you should base it off of among vetex statements, Trollus does not make the game so their depictions of events or magics are non-canon.