Why did vetex think it was a good idea to add another integer to the already massive loot table?

normal people cant even use it, its more than useless.


I feel like it’s not necessary
Like, you already got the Elysium portals, why add this?

this potion would canonically either
kill you
it’s crazy drugs that make you think you died


couldnt convince him to make an ui button instead (or at least something untradeable that you only get once)

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I like the idea of Elysium being something that you’ve gotta be “in on it” to know about, and this ain’t it.

godly nectar is supposed to be ambrosia but then ao-fied
wasnt it suppose to be poisonous for humans

AO MC may have god blood

i mean it sends you to the afterlife, so probably

If the lore isn’t gonna match AA, why keep adding things that only exist in gameplay?

yeaaaa baby i love my new items that locks me out of certain aspects of the game

genuinely what is the goal with this reagent…?
like sure its cool but where is the use case?

If this is meant to be tied into Elysium boss raid content that was teased ages ago then sure but that should really be specified if that’s the case.

You ever want to do something that you SHOULD need to travel for?

You know what they say
The more the merrier

He said it was a QoL/convenience feature so elysium owners can enter it easily without crossing the map

You know what they say
The more the merrier

Honestly just make it something people can get inside of Elysium or outside the teleporter to Elysium.

Should be like a Dark Sea Compass.

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PJO fan here. Ambrosia & Nectar are food and drink of the gods (respectively). Being divine, they are deadly to mortals, turning their blood to fire & their bones to sand, resulting in near instantaneous death.

So in a way, yes, it is poisonous to humans.

it kills you and since you’re great it sends you to elysium
great lore vetex :smiley::+1:

Iirc it doesn’t do that in actual greek mythology cause an actual mortal king got invited up to olympus for a bit and had the stuff just fine. If that’s wrong correct me, but I’m pretty sure the stuff about it killing you was just made up for PJO.