WhY dO pEoPlE hAvE sO mUcH hEaDlEsS hEaDs?

theres a bunch of people bitching about people having headless accessories calling em “GrEeDy” and shit, but really it probably isn’t that. We can’t exactly say WHY they want the headless heads, you gotta ask them. Some people might wanna collect them because they like it, which is good for them.

They might also want it for supply and demand, which is basic to explain really. See the image for it
The way Supply and demand works is that the less supply the more demand, the higher the price will be. The more supply the less demand, the lower the price will be. Because there’s a small amount of headless, people are gonna want to stock them up for the future. This will make the price go up. The only way it can go back down is if it becomes another prize for a halloween event in WoM. due to the way it is currently, it might grow to be the price of an ancient magic or other legendary items, or maybe at most a couple lost magic scrolls.

can we say this is what traders want for certain? no. This is only really speculation, you have to ask the people with headless about it.

TL;DR if you don’t like reading a lot, we don’t exactly know but it might be supply and demand.


im gonna get memed on a lot for this

barter trading go brrrr

me with my one headless head watching the demand rise
cat jamming


Me as an amateur trader seeing how many headlesses experienced traders have

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I don’t care if people got a bunch of headless, my problem is when traders spam every marketplace post that wants to buy x item by asking for a headless in return, no matter how low the value of the item is

imagine offering mango for a headless

be more like terry

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Allow loogi to explain


sounds like skill issue


when he’s poor :troll:

me with 10 watching the demand rise :nod:
dream get CLANG

Youre talking as if we’re from another species
Anyways traders want headlesses because of the basic rules of supply and demand (like you said)
Its only logical that an really rare unobtainable item rn will only become rarer and rarer over time which will boost its value.
Furthermore with them becoming rarer and rarer collectors will want them more and more (demand increase)

Not trying to though but I’ll change it around

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Yea yea that’s cool and all but want to hear about the time I was a security guard at a zoo enclosure? A kid got into the gorilla enclosure and I had to shoot a gorilla

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ok idk what to even say. this is probably the most funny post i have read in a while… :fr:

I likely did a bunch of things wrong

I know what supply and demand is, and all that does for me is more idiots trying to make horrible trades for my headless head which I am not trading away ever