Why do so many people want headless?


in the sense of lying

checkmate bih

Factual in the sense of lying??? Me am speak le good england

lemme dumb it down for you drowners

it true when talk about lying but it not true when talk about real

Sorry that i couldnt understand your hieroglyphs almighty pharaoh

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yall built fuckin tall and lanky i could just take out your fuckin knees and whoop yo ass, stoopidass jellyfish mfers

Sorry like i said i cant read hieroglyphs

Think it like CSGO skins. They are legit worthless but they are exclusive, even more as CSGO skins are RNG based and headless is impossible to get

والله انت مبني زي البطاتس الطويلة المعفنة من مكدونلدس :sob: :sob: :sob:
(i said something to do with him being tall and shitty[this is so that i dont get shat on by mods yes])

Time to flag you :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

flag my balls :skull:

yes the most valued item in the game is worthless but exclusive (you make a lot of sense)

it is lol, the only value it has it exclusivity, but outside of that its worthless, goofy ah item

thh huh rn every seasonal is worthless

holy shit what the fuck autocorrect

what i was trying to say is “then every seasonal is worthless”

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holy shit im gonna have an aneurysm :sob:

what dont you understand from that, its really easy to, dont overthink it too much bud, ur brain may overheat

delusion levels are so high holy :sob: :sob:

brother what you’re saying makes absolutely positively 0 sense “its worthless but exclusive” r u dumb how is it worthless if its literally THE MOST VALUED ITEM IN THE GAME right now??? just because its unobtainable does not mean thats the sole reason its the most valued item in the game, if that were true other seasonals would be much much much much more valuable than they are right now?? 3 factors make up an items value in any and every game, useability, rarity, and demand especially. The headless ain’t got any useability but its very rare (obv), and very very very very very very very very very VERY demanded, thats what makes it so valuable (along with the fact of more and more people offering more items and that becoming the norm and less and less headless owners trading them/accepting anything that isnt super overpay), not solely because its unobtainable (though that does contribute a certain amount to the rarity & demand)

not true. Some seasonals are good for vanity. Like the shoulder crow because I like having an intelligent pet that can domesticate wolves like humans did and copy noises that they have heard. Yeah.