Title is self explanatory. Every time I think I’m beginning to understand what it means, Someone uses it in a new way that I’ve never seen before. What does it mean, and what is it supposed to mean?
skill issue
A satirical way of saying “ur dogshit XD”
skill issue tbh
its basically a more toxic way of saying ‘‘youre trash’’
skill has an issue
tbh I’d say it’s a nicer way.
Inside joke, makes fun of people who claim that the people who dislike the game for various reasons have “skill issues”.
big skill issue
Honestly in my opinion it’s a compliment because if you’re worse than that person then you actually have a life outside of OMG GET BETTER AT PVP
It’s a satirical non-insightful way of insulting someone’s skill at a game, especially this one, which has quickly degraded into a loosely-used meme.
skill issue
Sorry @Meta I didn’t know potty words weren’t allowed
stfu(shut the fuck up)
Pretty much said whenever someone has difficulty with something as an explanation, even if it does not make sense
That sounds like something coming from a skill issue lol
it means you have an issue of skill
Skill issue
Its uses in many ways, but there is 2 main situations where everyone uses it.
Pvp - means “Git Gud”
You dont understand something - well bad for you that u dont know
simplified: it means shit at pvp