Why does light magic not have healing properties

maybe they would associate light with the gods, divine light yknow

phoenix is cooler

but true, healing is good utility

Last I checked the MC isn’t a plant in disguise so photosynthesis is out of the question.

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i feel like gods wouldn’t associate something as common as light with all divinity in general, they’d probably see stuff more objectively

warlocks should get lost/ancient magics that are also fighting styles, they should get their own exclusive stuff besides just imbuement, magical techniques too. berserker can get any strength thing they can do, mages can get any magic thing they can do

primordial light magic seems like it would heal though, they probably worshipped the gods far more

lost spells/techniques that are exclusive to certain classes are planned, warlocks will probably get some

yeah but

imagine an ancient magic thats a fighting style
how cool would that be
plus, it would give a bigger incentive to pick warlock because it has its own unique thing that other classes cant really get

the spells, techniques, and imbuement already do that though

Wallah mods close this pointless argument what the fuck

Are you jolly for this years christmas??!?!?

yeah but i want something truly unique, not just a whole bunch of samey feeling stuff

yes I can imbue but that only gives me the VFX and effect combination, not any unique specific gimmick

that’s fair

other ideas:
spirit fighting styles, fight with ghost powers (juggernaut)
the real spirit weapons (knight)
spirit magic (paladin)
give warden like spirit charms or something
blade dancing style (warlord)
sword magic (conjurer) (not sure how this would work actually but still)
ancient magics with fighting style aspects (warlock)
im not going into savant because you can think of a lotta stuff for that


astughfirullah not everybody celebrates christmas

yeah i know

im having a jolly ol time though

Only Santa-Deniers don’t celebrate Christmas.

You’re not a Santa-Denier, are you?

Santa deniers are so weird. they really think they got those presents from the SCIENCE and NATURE physics that spontaneously gifted them, ate their milk and cookies, and put them in a jolly mood?!? I dont think so.

Santa is OBVIOUSLY real, anyone who isn’t a complete dimwit would know already. I don’t even know why I have to say this.