Why does the execution system exist (from a gameplay standpoint)

Title. Lore-wise and immersion wise, awesome feature. But gameplay-wise, this feature seems to only serve as a way to force clan gameplay and punish solo players for the crime of existing.

The system is easily evaded by just logging off, and serverhopping to a friend who can bail you out. So wouldn’t it make sense to have an actually tangible punishment that criminals have to gruel through before they regain their freedom, like forced labor or public service?

what’s the gameplay reason for the feature? Heroes and navy don’t lose their entire fame when they get assassinated, so why does that happen to criminals?

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how does it make playing as a criminal impossible…

It does, as a solo player. This feature has no tangible impact against players with friends or clanmates, but disproportionately punishes solos.

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what are you talking about all it does is add like a minute to your jail time and then it puts your final words in the news which increases your bounty so its actually kind of a cool feature

It wipes your bounty down to 0, right? That’s what I’ve been told and heard on youtube

no it does the same thing as going to jail i only lost around 1000 bounty and i have over 50k

that makes no fucking sense you fuckin DIED bro :skull:

yeah, and all the good reps you assassinate die too

should they lose all their rep when you hunt them?

damn!!! thats true!!! shit!!!

annoying or not it looks dope as hell getting executed like Gol D Rodger

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you also get to choose your last words
and that’s a bunch of freedom in your hands on wether you want to make it edgy or funny.
it’s like a yearbook quote.

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That was planned for world of magic, a really long time ago. It doesn’t apply to AO, it’s just a flashy death

Ok but you can put funny copypasta in the agora

Why not?

Man, there is a lot of kids in the game, propaganding criminality is not okay.

Well, okay, maybe Vetex also should make criminal deckhands which you can recruit if you have bounty instead of fame?

If you have a bounty, the requirements for deckhands display as bounty instead of fame

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Seriously? Something new for me…


(image from soleil’s showcase)

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