Why does the PvE community always victimize themselves?

im just a little guy


Well I think I’m justified in wanting it to be.

I mean in relation to the no pvp updates part, forcing pvp in an update seems to go kind of against that

Wait what are we arguing about again

yeah, but there’s also the problem of having to specifically learn pvp to even have a chance at defending yourself during a gank.
if it was easier to get into pvp, people would have a more fun time playing the game because they wouldn’t have to spend hours sparring before they can even properly get into pvp

no PVP updates doesnt mean no PVP features, PVP is part of the game

Ima be real I think this whole issue of people being crybabies just goes both ways. These changes only ever get added because PvPheads are loud asl voices anyways, just look at the pattern and pro-PvP decisions completely dominate pro-PvE, for better or for worse.

If we wanna use the whole “fight back” response then sure but ur going to end up losing a ton of people in the process. And completely dismissing casual PvEhead perspective sounds a little harsh. Best course of action would just be finding more ways to disincentivize attacking low renown players since high-renown players are supposed to be dominated by PvPheads anyways.

Only reason people hate running is because of LB, not because little timmy tried to run away from FreshieTerminator9000.


About why the PvE players ‘always’ victimises themselves, but this devolved into yet another conversation about consent in PvP because they force me to argue against literally nothing (see the first few messages).

so you’re saying you want a pvp toggle option

blox fruits

Im gonna be honest i dont have a point i forgot what we are talking about like 3 messages ago

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they do the same shit to pvpheads, not saying its good from either side.

This can be said for literally everything in the game, im fairly sure you didn’t just jump into the dark sea and instantly know every way to farm it perfectly. It takes time to learn features of a game, PVP or not

Can’t help but notice when you guys make it this obvious. We already have threads about this change but didn’t see any of you post there.

Is it that hard to believe most testers tend to agree with each other and they saw their friend make a post/send their post to tester chat so they decided to dive in on their own free will?

Not everything needs to be a coordinated attack.

fluect you talk too much


No u

legendary perfect meal
as expected from the master chef himself


Mythical perfect meal*
