Why does the PvE community always victimize themselves?

truree words have never been said

I left, went outside for like 50 minutes, went inside and took a shower, laid down for a power nap

I think I should just close this thread since nobody wants to reason and just wants to throw accusations and insults

Ironically, I’m probably the only one that cared about this thread’s topic alongside one to three others (excluding you).
Even at the very start of this thread, no arguments were proposed either.

make the final message count!!!

which spanned 18 posts (41 to 59) out of 360, thank you.

This topic is to be closed, just wanna say fuck you to everyone who decided to just ignore the topic of discussion and turn it to something else. I will be deleting this account as I no longer want to be apart of the forums since it’s just a cesspool of arrogant assholes and ragebait with very few actual decent people.


idk what i am about to say is gonna sound stupid as fuck but can’t we just please both sides ?

can’t we just add an option that turns off PvP for PvE players that force stops infamy gain and clan infamy gain from progressing ? a toggleable option in the options tab that can be turned on and off ?? like i only see 3 possible reasons why this would be a bad addition

“we get less targets”
“they can just turn it off after winning once to trash talk”
“this is against vetex’s GRAND VISION”

to which i counter argue

  1. u get less people complaining about your group and u can finally do what u want without catching strays from people u probably have never encountered in your life

  2. if u lost to that type of person you are very welcome to be upset about it and can use it as an excuse to get better at the game. but in your own words “skill issue get good”


(holy shit what is that timing :sob: )

Requested by OP