Why does the PvE community always victimize themselves?

legendary perfect meal
as expected from the master chef himself


Mythical perfect meal*


@15Edward is this this that shibuya incident thing you prophesised


Perfect Mistake*

But you farm renown just by playing the game, how is that a good argument? :sob:



canā€™t do shit without having to pay the GN to make me irrelevant smh

Why should I? I wanted to state my opinion and made a thread about it.


Thatā€™s true. However if we go back to this point

Iā€™m saying that even if both sides do the same thing, the scales are clearly tipped in 1 direction.

For reference to anyone reading I agree with the swim speed changes I just think something further needs to be done to appease the other side.

They should make it so you can message the grand navy or assasin syndicate if you are getting ganked by a lb player and theyll send an admiral/overseer to go kill them :grin:

So you admitā€¦ You believed you could hide this from me, but alas, you were wrong.

yeah, thatā€™s true. However, the dark sea is relatively straightforward for newer players. (you sail in, find some islands, get loot, sail back out and profit) While pvp is a lot more complex for newer players since they need good aim, good timing, good armour, and experience to even have a chance at fighting people who know what theyā€™re doing.
a way to help with this would be to implement a pvp tag which lowers your stats by a certain percentage, so gear would not be that big of a factor anymore (it would still be important however), which would allow people to get into pvp a bit more easily (I think)

Nobody was hiding this from you lol

Having high renown makes you more of a target? It see your point, but theres some people who need to understand that their higher renown is why theyre being hunted

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i do think some of the changes are overly harsh for pvers, regen nerf comes to mind in particular as a good example.

i cant think of a great way to make it fair for both sides honestly, bar some changes only applying in clan server. that would probably result in a large disconnect though, so i dont think its a viable solution

Me summoning adkins to evaporate the random emporer of the sea who wanted clan infamy:


What actually is your point I thought you were trying to assert that testers all coordinated this to control the narrative. Not that they simply saw something that another tester posted and agreed with them.

Iā€™ll always see someone make a forum post and then dive in if I see people saying things that are stupid because itā€™s just instinctive.

If you want your post to be popular just have it be somewhat related to the state of pve and pvp