Why does vetex act like a dictator

How is this post still standing?

What did he even say to immediately get suspended again

no no heā€™s got a point

but also i see where vetex is coming from, the majority of the community are extremely unconstructive

Honestly I think he phrased that one exactly as he intended to.
He said that heā€™d hate looking for one himself because it was supposed to be that way.
If he used the word miserable or not his intention would have been crystal clear with that lol.

ligma was left in 2021ā€¦ ash trevino is a person

some forumers are completely incapable of not derailing a topic

Let him cook and enjoy the game, just quit if you dont want to

you do realise you have to actually talk to someone before getting into a relationship with them? for a good amount of time too?

people criticize arcane odyssey from a place of love for the game, if they didnā€™t care theyā€™d have quit by now

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I just do my stuff and dont really care about what is happening with the game as long as I enjoy it (which is always)

keyword (or letter ig) is I

Well yeah, thats just me, Have a good time and it should be fine

And what conversations would you have that would be putting you on the ropes?

this thread has been approved by me

sup buddy glad to have the prophet around again

Let the guy feel what he wants, heā€™s just as human as the next person over.


Yeah letā€™s all give the man a break from following his dream

Hey man donā€™t you hold the record for most crashouts on the forums? I donā€™t think Vetex is the one who overreacts


are you really serious right now

I dont even know him so doubt