Why does vetex act like a dictator

I mean he raises good points but then it devolves to baseless criticism and the title DOES NOT help

yea I agree with parts of what python said, but it was like 10% good points 90% AO IS DOOMED AND VETEX DOESN’T CARE!!!

“naaaah guys this guys a hater!!”

the hater in question:

infact READ lil man…

deadass unenlightened… this vetex hivemind thinks that once vetex is attacked, the person who made the critique was a life long hater. Literally some scientology cult type shit dawg


You mfs are such enablers, you and everyone else who refuses to recognize flaws in anything vetex does is why this whole cycle of threads that criticize vetex emerge

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You get to be a mod or a tester only if you’re vetex’s friend or if he likes you enough. Go figure.

Bro the first one’s title was changed and the second he’s kinda yapping. (The firsts og title was “Vetex has lost momentum” and then he yapped about how good it was that Vetex has a dev team (which is good) but overall unrelated?

Insulting and mocking the man isn’t exactly a good way to point out flaws.
also I’ve literally been one of the most vocal people in recent times about flaws in AO what are you talking about.

like genuinely why are you defending these two idiots.
both of them are part of the problem causing vetex to want little to nothing to do with the community and thus making him less receptive to feedback.


Waiting to see “Vetex is typing…”

Again, these “insult threads”, while i will agree ARE to a degree malicious in practice, are literally the causation of Vetex not caring about listening to anything else.

You know there is an issue when the only criticisms Vetex ever responds to are the ones where he himself is brought up, hes literally an egoist at the worst and being enabled by a circle-jerk of yesmen at the best.

These threads that Vetex so dislikes would literally disappear in seconds if he so much as COMMUNICATED WITH HIS COMMUNITY. Look back to the stat allocation rename drama, it was a minor issue BLOWN out of proportion because Vetex has little-man syndrome and cannot accept differing opinions

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what do those threads solve genuinely.
like I just said, it makes him ignore us MORE.
the people making those threads are idiots and I am glad they’re gone.

acting like he’s a god solves nothing but acting like he’s a worthless shit stain also solves nothing.

Though to be fair Meta agreed that hecate essence needs QoL changes.

Did you read what I said? They’re caused by Vetex not responding to anything at all.

Its very simple. To SOLVE the issue, Vetex literally JUST has to communicate with his community… its not as if we are asking for Vetex to go to the moon and back.

Hate Threads are the symptoms of Vetex’s total isolation from the rest of us, except for his circle-jerk who themselves get pelted but :person_shrugging:

people like you are idiots, because you cannot look to the root cause of the issue.

You are so short-sighted that you will EXCLUIVELY see the issue, and refuse to see the parasite behind it

What ARE your criticisms on arcane odyssey anyways?

Problem: Vetex is not responding to the community
Solution: Openly mock him and get him to hate his own community more.

I don’t care what the cause of these threads are, this is NOT the solution to that problem or any other problem, my point is that it is making it


Cause and effect, it is taught in elementary school.

Do you think that I don’t believe this is a problem?

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when I first read the post I thought it was satire, but now that im reading the replies I have to ask, is it really satire or do you actually think that fridge shouldnt have been banned?

He actually thinks he shouldn’t have probably because he agrees with him

my god this place sucks

Vetex is not the sole issue is, the idiots making hate posts thinking that they’ll solve anything is just as much of a problem.

It’ll take both sides figuring their shit out to actually fix this because right now we have a horrible loop of:
1: Vetex doesn’t respond to the community because he hates dealing with the community.
2: The community gets angry vetex isn’t responding and begins opening mocking and insulting him
3: Vetex hates dealing with the community more than before.
4: The community gets angrier.

and so on and so forth.

Is it not clear? It’s the lack of communication. I LOVE Arcane, and as I mentioned previously, Vetex was my idol, I have no interest in bashing him.

Besides Vetex’s total isolation, its the people who act as the middle-men between Vetex and the Community, ie. the Balance Team etc. Literally none of them have differing opinions, which I find SHOCKINGLY scary seeing as the only way meaningful progress occurs is by being challenged.

Yeah you’re just unwilling to accept anything… As I have told you:

Problem: Vetex is not speaking to his community
Solution: Use the “methods” made by Vetex to communicate with him.

Oh wait… Vetex doesnt READ shit. The Solution is NOT hate, but hate is the BYPRODUCT of the problem. It is not a solution, its a symptom and I have repeated over and over.

The Hate will disappear like the wind SHOULD Vetex, the GUY IN CHARGE take accountability. Vetex has this mentality in which he can do no wrong, and it is on US the community to deal with it.

You clearly do, but you’re an enabler of the issue so :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

ok if you’re so smart then what’s the solution.
what can we do to fix this whole problem.