Why does vetex act like a dictator

I think Fridge should have been punished less harshly, but his toxicity was not right.

I used examples of Uchiha’s and Pythons punishments because the response Vetex gives is a pretty mind-bogglingly stupid way to respond (ie. hes lighting the fire more, instead of putting it out)

Idk he communicates pretty well, he has a whole chart of exactly what everyone is working on and patch notes for every version

He should let techlevel deal with the community since he appears to have the mental capacity to deal with criticism.

Step 1:
Vetex needs to maintain a relationship with his community. I understand he doesnt have time to read entire threads or discord dms at a time, so I believe he should make a role between him and the rest of us.

Step 2:
These middle-men need to be promoted based on playtime, or being voted on by the community. The Previous system where Vetex just assigns people hes friends with is inaffective and led to arguments, especially seen when Sunkengate occured.

Step 3:
Profit. Vetex has literally solved the issue lol.

Or yeah, techlevel is a pretty charismatic dude whos active in the community, let him handle making the role lol

you just described Patreon chat.

No thats ass. If you need to PAY to reach it, you objectively are already biased to Vetex, and will not be going against the tide

thats not really enough. remember the name changes? sure they were in the patch notes but it shouldve been something like “hey i’m thinking of changing the names of classes” instead of something that was already added to an unreleased version of the game.

fair enough, honestly.
I’ve seen some patreons say some really really stupid shit in recent time.

Omg that was sooooo funny your right changes should be democratic (especially class names and some balance changes)

Arcane Odyssey Senate

One thing I think vetex should do is… not give into the bait.
Just suspend the guy and don’t make a paragraph long rant about it, please.


If the issue is really bad he should hold a poll and if more than say 70% of people vote in favor he does the change like does Hecate essence really need to be so rare

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a 6 month ban for that is outrageous imo

He barely added anything to the community, anything that could be considered positive at least, and his critiques werent anything new either, just the same points regurgitated from other people. I honestly think that a perm ban wouldnt have been an exaggerated punishment for pinging vetex just to mock him, and then fumenting an argument and unrest in the replies without any constructive intent. Only shallow baits and offenses shouldn’t be tolerated in any community.


Not in the slightest, fridge was a known ragebaiter and he should have been perm suspended months ago.

Frankly speaking, fridge was probably laughing his ass off when he read that because he had absolutely no other purpose to being here.
He just pissed off everyone all the time every time he spoke and he finally pissed off vetex, he won!

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Didnt even got a perm ban, he really got what he wanted

If I was fridge I’d still be laughing about just how in-my-favor this entire situation was from the start and how easy it was.

well thank god you arent fridge then

Low key the way fridge talked made me think he wasn’t entirely sane… (pov him lurking logged out on this topic)