Why does Vetex not release smaller, earlier updates?

No hate to Vetex, but why are updates are released in one, massive patch? If it’s to build up hype, it clearly didn’t work: player count is still dropping and there’s bugs everywhere. Its hard to meet player expectations normally, and a 2 month wait for an extremely buggy update certainly didn’t meet player expectations.

Furthermore, a large portion of the content after the story is pvp: grinding renown and climbing the leaderboard. And right now, and pre patch, the state of PvP is atrocious.Pre patch, mage pulsar and explosion was stupid busted and lead to a two month reign of terror of pulsar. Now, half of the balance changes weren’t implemented, so crystal leg warlock is the new pulsar, and airstalling is basically the only way to beat it which no one likes. And if there’s another month wait before any sort of action is taken, and if the balance changes are rushed at the very end again, it’s just going to result in another broken meta.

I know that a lot of these problems are due to it being early access, especially the whole PvP situation. But holding updates for a month, especially desperately needed balance changes and bug fixes, isn’t going to do the game any favors.

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This is the smaller, earlier update


This is literally the smaller earlier update

No that does not absolve the issues it caused (looking at you data wipe), but vet has made it clear that this update is merely foundational


i mean he doesn’t because of the backlash from this one

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I guess the monthly updates he plans to release are what he counts as smaller, since a look at the to-do list on the trello shows how much content he’d want to include if he took his time and released updates every few months or so. The main reason update 1 took this long is cause release was followed by over a week of hotfixes, then vetex went on break/vacation for a few weeks since he’d finally gotten the game out. Personally I think monthly updates (barring smaller patches and hotfixes) is a pretty reasonable schedule, as it gives him time to add a decent amount of content into each update as well as gives most players enough time to actually fully digest/explore the content of the update before having new things introduced to them.

As for bug fixes vet said he plans to release a patch for those shortly, not wait till the next update;

As for the balancing/meta issues I see where you’re coming from, but the balancing team needs time to actually discuss & come up with appropriate adjustment (which is mostly kept track of in this topic) and testers need to test them for a good amount of time as well (though i can’t confirm if this actually happens, I’m not a tester). If balance changes are rushed we’d keep ending up with Pulsar situations over and over again, so I think waiting til more balancing discussion is done can be pretty beneficial overall.

Then it’s not small and early enough, if a month or two wait is what counts as “small and early”.

For vetex a monthly update without too much new content being introduced probably what he counts as small, back in WoM updates took longer and came with multiple new things and a level cap increase with almost every update

I don’t think the testers actually test the balance changes, and I don’t think waiting another month for more rushed balance changes(as Vetex left it off till the last second and ended up not adding half the changes, leading to the current state of pvp) would do the game any more benefit. I would prefer he dedicate a patch to solely pvp, but I doubt he would be willing to do it.

The balance changes were rushed, yeah. We know this because you can track his progress on the Trello.

That will never happen.

But we all agree the balancing was rushed.

A lot of people were getting that vibe due to the balance doc but then they played the game and almost nothing on it was added

no mans sky did this and it worked out pretty well tbh

typical roblox player mentality
complain when the updates aren’t frequent
when the updates come and are frequent they complain about the bugs despite obviously rushing the devs to put out content that hasn’t been fully tested yet

this isn’t me bootlicking or anything
this just happens way too much


Heavily agree with this.

And I see this mentality in many other games too, not just roblox. People constantly whine and complain about a lack of updates to a game, practically rushing the developers to release things as fast as possible. Devs release an update and people start complaining that the update is too small, is buggy, was rushed, etc.

And technically, this is the smaller earlier update. Underwater Structures alongside Potion Brewing is the foundation to the future Dark Sea content. The Dark Sea update cannot happen without the introduction of these two gameplay mechanics. So technically, this update we just got is indeed the smaller earlier update to the upcoming Dark Sea update.

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Honestly, I don’t really care about the new content added to the game. What I’m most disappointed by was how he left the balance patch to the very last second, and thus half of the changes(mostly for warrior and conjurer) were left out, since those would take time to implement. This led to a massive surge of warlock and bers in the meta, while the other classes were left behind. The small balance patch may fix this slightly due to the positive synergy nerf(mostly for warlocks, bers will remained unchanged by this), though the focus buff might offset this. Either way, conjs are still left far in the dust, and mages are six feet under right now. And I think a shorter update time would at least help with this: I’m not asking for content, which you seem to think I am, I’m asking for smaller things like bug fixes and balance tweaks, both of which I believe shouldn’t be held back for the bigger updates.

fucking FINALLY
now i can play as 2 of my files without being called a meta doggie i am so happy

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