Why does World of Magic have the same tech as Arcane Adventures?

World of magic is set 1000 years after arcane adventure so why doesn’t it have better technology than AA?

Because wom isnt canon basically

the middle ages are set 1000+ years after the roman empire
why doesnt it have better technology than the romans?

the middle ages were more technologically advanced than the roman empire, we just don’t see that since the life of commoners was worse.

My headcanon is that the downfall of the Arcane Government set back the progression of technology by a lot.

The same happened with the Roman Empire; they had extremely advanced technology, including steam engines, but that same tech was not developed until over a millennia since they fell.

This setback in development has a much bigger impact on the Arcane Universe, as the existence and reliance on magic greatly slows down the progression of technology already.

Well it’s canon to itself, and in its own lore it has not advanced technology in 2000 years.

“itself” doesn’t exist anymore, that’s what being retconned means, it isn’t its own world now, it was entirely removed from the story by vetex

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I’m not saying that’s wrong or anything, chief.

you’re saying it’s its own world now, it isn’t

I’m saying that it’s its own canon. Things canon to AA are canon to WoM, and things canon to WoM are not canon to AO or AA.

So you can’t just say “Well we don’t talk about the lore because it’s not part of AO’s lore anymore”, because it still has its own strange lore.

i see