Why don't PvEr's use Love Gels? (devolved into absolute chaos) (guys please stop there's 40+ edits) (what happened?)(<-- basically Fridge was being mean and so we told him to stop and he got meaner šŸ˜­) (Arcane Odyssey SUCKS!)(What the sigma?!)

Sure, whatever makes you feel better about yourself

there wasnā€™t a debate.

idk why you lot forgot love block and drinking a love potion to remove love was a thing

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Im feeling pretty good. Thanks :smiley:

I didnt forget. Trust me bro no one has love pots in their hot bar lol. Again you guys dont have to take my advice. How ever you guys do argue it because you know its right thats why it strikes a cord in many of ur spineless souls.

The only thing bro won was the biggest clown of the week award but ok :sob:

(not the same thing as the funny award, which he did not win)

Projection at its finest.

Iā€™m not the person that had like 8 people mauling them at once but okay?

(that title belongs to you)

That says more about you guys than it does about me.

you know, being stubborn and belligerent is one thing, but combine that with being delusional, and you get a very dangerous personality type.

Iā€™m not the one that needs self improvement it seems. :popcorn:

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You are so desperate dude, just cut your losses and call it a day man. Maybe youā€™ll come up with a good argument next time?

I am dangerous. In a protective and stoic way. And everyone should be constantly improving me nor you are the exception.

What was the point of this reply?

Please just pause for like 4 seconds and re-read what you just wrote

How do you not see how genuinely deranged you sound :sob:

This is exactly what I mean when I say ā€œDelusional + Belligerence = a very bad timeā€

To get you to stop trying to pretend you were right or did anything meaningful? What was the point of anything you just said in your last couple replies? You didnā€™t really say anything of value to the argument so not really getting a much of a point to any of those.

Quote to me the definition of deranged. Then explain why my reply was deranged. Iā€™m either going to learn to do things different or itā€™ll confirm to me your an idiot.

In another post i suggested to someone who got ganked to use love gels and he repiled ā€œyeah ill consider that i forgot about thoseā€ so yes my points do have value and are meaningful.

Look at literally any reply youā€™ve made in this thread and youā€™re at least 1 of these words :skull:

No quote a reply and explain why its deranged. You cant because you didnt know what it meant till you looked it up. Youā€™re an idiot plain and simple Xd

You quite literally asked me to give you the definition of what deranged meant.

Are we actually trying to gaslight now? Have we seriously gotten this far into the deep end?

You may quite literally be the most delusional and possibly narcissistic person Iā€™ve ever met online, congrats!

Quit victimizing yourself, go head quote me one of my replies and explain why its deranged.