Why don't PvEr's use Love Gels? (devolved into absolute chaos) (guys please stop there's 40+ edits) (what happened?)(<-- basically Fridge was being mean and so we told him to stop and he got meaner šŸ˜­) (Arcane Odyssey SUCKS!)(What the sigma?!)

Still donā€™t feel like it (making popcorn).
Forgot to include this so Iā€™m editting in the fact that I think popcorn is overrated.

-:moyai: this is what a serial killer would say when interrogated (or the joker)


-Another random, angry insult

-Very clearly didnā€™t win anything

Want more examples of your own insanity?

This is what it means to be a man. If you arent dangerous you canā€™t protect what you love.

Wtf is going on

Weā€™re talking about popcorn and tea


Woah, crazy

ā€¦Give me some too

guys dont make war make popcorn

this is actually a fire quote if you think about it.

ā€œDonā€™t fight, get ready to watchā€


you know, i actually agree with what fridge is trying to say despite how horribly heā€™s trying to argue for it

yeah i mean thereā€™s nothing wrong with his argument itā€™s just that heā€™s being a jerk to anyone that disagrees


I argue the way i do. To gauge what someone is made of. You dont have to agree with it but its common to do where im from. Its something you have to grow up with to understand as well.

whatever you say dude

Bro your arguments arenā€™t even actually anything of substance itā€™s just verbally abusive lashing out whenever someone has a different perspective :skull:

sis you do not want to know

Telling you your getting over defensive is verbally abusiveā€¦ ok my badā€¦

If you didnā€™t go out of your way to be a massive asshat then maybe people would listen to you.

You can barely go three posts without calling people idiots for not using love gels.

Broā€™s tryna go back to square one :man_facepalming:

Do you think I was born yesterday? I know what manipulation tactics youā€™re employing, and guess what? Itā€™s not working.

Iā€™m sorry to have to break it to you but everyone argues differently on the internet. ā€œthatā€™s how we argue where Iā€™m fromā€ isnā€™t a valid excuse here

what the actual fuck is this mindset im not even sure this is bait anymore im just terrified

Manipulationā€¦ alright man. My apologies no more manipulation.