Why I hate immersive NPCs being removed

Sorry to break it to you but WoM is at it’s final moments, and we’re all getting ready for AO

I really agree with you, lad

If anything, the NPCs movements and interactions made me love the game. Alongside the huge amount of customization the game allows. Seeing the immersion go will be quite sad to see…

But possibly, Vetex MIGHT keep NPC immersion for civilian NPCs in towns. They wouldn’t sleep, generate quests, or be damageable, but still seeing them wander around and being able to give you different dialog when you talk to them would make me, and many others, quite happy!


Read this (10 characters)


Will the NPCs still move around and be talkable, or will they just stand still?

They will just stand still, except if they are fightable npcs.

Y E S you have redeemed yourself lord vetex


You’re telling me you just read that? :fr:

Keep npcs moving.Stationary npcs are bad

i’m surprised that people are complaining about the immersive npcs being removed and not the continent idea.

I didn’t like em from the start that u cant give the completed quest to sleeping ones, and sleeping metalworkers + alchemists

and in general twitching from them

Why can’t Vetex at least keep a portion of the system? Sure, it is quite annoying to have to hunt for NPC’s to either kill them or get a quest from them or buy/sell something, but just having a few random NPC’s in a town that walk around for cool immersion would make the game feel much better. And anyway, assuming that all of the seas will be split up across different servers like it was done in AA, that means that there could be more room for things such as random NPC’s. In my opinion, a blended model of important/useful NPC’s being stationary but having a few random ones that walk around and can be killed would be much more interesting (although enemies wouldn’t be random, that just makes farming annoying).


Someone already posted what I said lol

The continent made it a pain to travel though

They sure as hell didn’t make me feel more immersed lol.

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And how would adding a sea between everything make it any less of a pain?

This, imo, sums up what is the best way to keep immersion while having the new static npc system.


I mean, cause yes.

Oh boy, I’mma miss them alright

Rest in peace immersive NPCS. I’m definitely gonna miss them ;( i crii

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TRUE. Cutscenes oughta be cool