Why I hate immersive NPCs being removed

I hate the idea. I can only beg Vetex not to do it. The immersive NPC was what made a part of Wom Wom. No they aren’t wasted memory space if they’re sleeping. Add a feature so that they wake up and accept quests. No it isn’t annoying if you kill them. Make them respawn after 3 minutes. Please Vetex.

This might sound like an annoying child rambling shit he doesn’t know about but please. Well if they get removed. I tried at least.

Edit - I’ve calmed down well I hope roblox engine improves and we might get walking NPCs in the future

Edit 2 - Holy shit this fucking blew up this is my first forum post that blew up this big. Thanks for motivation gamers


If it’s required to progress forward it should be done, but I’d propose alternate solutions as well if I knew any reliable ones.


See the thing about Wom which fascinated is me that it had many Open world aspects many games didn’t have. Talking NPCs were a part of them. They moved and they slept and they walked I was really impressed seeing them being removed is making me sad but if it’s for the better I hope it’s for the better. Welp ok then


Seriously NPCs just standing there is ugly, the immersive NPCs were great, sure they had some flaws but as you just said they can be fixed, going into a town and seeing all these different characters walking, sitting, jumping, sleeping, it was great


I don’t care about NPC but it was nice

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Yes dude I have the same feeling. NPCs just standing there wasn’t a fun part of Arcane and will never be.


if you see npcs walking around on predetermined paths and sometimes sitting down or going to sleep as ‘‘immersive’’

then idk what to tell you man

also the npcs in AO can still have animations and what not when you talk to them so idk what the big deal is about


i prefer the NPCs too…

but they kinda stress the game out and i dont wanna make wom uncomfortable

imo having story npcs be in set spots felt better than having to find them at a random spots, both enemies and passive ones


How about just having NPC’s spawn randomly but in set locations

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You really should’ve added commas to that

Why I love dynamic NPC’s being removed. FPS


Give me your specs

Sorry to break it to you but WoM is at it’s final moments, and we’re all getting ready for AO

I really agree with you, lad

If anything, the NPCs movements and interactions made me love the game. Alongside the huge amount of customization the game allows. Seeing the immersion go will be quite sad to see…

But possibly, Vetex MIGHT keep NPC immersion for civilian NPCs in towns. They wouldn’t sleep, generate quests, or be damageable, but still seeing them wander around and being able to give you different dialog when you talk to them would make me, and many others, quite happy!


Read this (10 characters)


Will the NPCs still move around and be talkable, or will they just stand still?

They will just stand still, except if they are fightable npcs.

Y E S you have redeemed yourself lord vetex


You’re telling me you just read that? :fr: