Why Iris is the hardest boss

no, its just the hardest cause you have to beat it with one hand

People still commenting on this shitpost for some reason

fr :skull:

Yall are wrong, CLEARLY Prince Revon is the hardest boss.

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no no you have a point he didnt drop anything

Revon doesn’t drop anything, so he is stronger than both Iris and Calvus.

Finally some real logic

real talk though if iris didn’t dig a cave for herself with her magic every time you fought her she’d actually be a pretty big step up compared to shura

Honestly true, lol. Terrain destruction is probably the 2nd worst thing about this game’s boss fights. (The first being their mobility)

this is legit what I said before

through the law of anime protagonist, Iris ( the daughter ) is much stronger than her father, which means she is stronger than the ravenna guards, which also means she is at least as powerful as Calvus

Do you expect me to remember this shittypost and all its comments? This post should’ve died ages ago

This is not a shitty post this is a professional debate

Ok, but not as hard as Revon

It may be September, but you’re goddamn right. This is IMPORTANT. This is truly the discussion that will make the USA the best. MURICA

Solar flares are charged particles released by the sun
Iris uses flare magic
So she has the power of the sun
Solar flares destroy computers
You play AO on a computer
So Iris is the most op. She can destroy all electrical stuff which we relied on every single second

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Why can you kill my boy Elius but not Iris?

bec shes a girl (you said it yourself)