Why is endlag a thing for fighting styles?

Before I go on a long-winded rant about how end lag in fighting styles shouldn’t be a thing (or berserkers), I just want to know the. . .reasons behind it. When it comes to magic there is no endlag, even for the explosion spell where it definitely should be a thing. It just seems like an unnecessary handicap to an already struggling class.

And in the case that I might just be ass at the game, what would you guys recommend for berserker? Right now I have Basic Combat and Cannon Fist, I never expected it to be amazing but never this terrible. I’ve been seeing Iron leg and Sailor Style get some decent value but I need more evidence on that.

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endlag of fstyles is getting buffed super hard in the next update so dw (also scales with attack speed)

I guarantee you that magics have endlag, although maybe not as much as smash does.

Self and placed explosions have a shit ton of endlag, so I’m not sure where this one’s coming from.

Fightingstyles are weak, yeah, but a lot of this is just… wrong.

Well if there’s one thing I’m good at it’s being an idiot. On another one of my slots I have a mage and when I use self explosion I can move almost immediately. Then again it’s Metal Magic so i can’t see shit with every spell.

I wouldn’t recommend using sailor fist unless you’re a warlock that would benefit from a synergy with it. As it is, Sailor just isn’t worth it to have to constantly keep a full bar just to deal damage that’s less than the base fighting style.

if you’re running anything that’s not Thermo Fist + Boxing or Thermo Fist + Iron Leg on zerker atm you’re shooting yourself in the foot

Wouldn’t Thermo counteract Iron Leg’s bleed?

you don’t use iron leg for anything but the focus and the occasional bigger aoe smash

whatever your smoking rn lemme have a puff

almost everything in game has endlag, even Flash Strike type skills have endlag

the only things with no endlag are probably gunshots and bows(not including skills)

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