Why is my parent such a tweaker bro

This. This stands out to me the most.

I cannot stress how much I’ve seen parents do this, why must everyone develop a superiority complex once they bear children? And its so easy to pull off and get away with too, because the child has zero control nor privileges in the real world and can usually do nothing about it.

I don’t understand. Trying to shield someone from the world is almost as worse as exposing them too much.

Quick, find out a way to blame the thing you don’t understand!! (not directed to you)

Good heavens!! Let’s dismiss everything our child has done because the internet is such a WARCRIME!!

(I was blamed not too long ago for not achieving anything big in my life and I am in what… middle school??)

This is probably very horrid, useless and worthless advice but next year when you turn 18, fugging join the military to get away from them.

Technically you can now but 17yos need parental consent, and uh, that doesn’t seem to ever happen :skull:

I don’t really have any other advice to give you because I’m dumb :confused:

I kinda don’t get how joining the military is supposed to help me

am I gonna get like paid or something

have somewhere to live away from home (while also not having to be in active duty)

kinda got the opposite issue on my end, I really don’t want a phone (personal reasons that I don’t feel comfortable sharing), but she’s forcing me to get a phone

but yeah I can see some parallel with my situation that fortunately for you are much less extreme and you can probably salvage a relationship with your family unlike me.

I’d try setting some actual boundaries during your intervention and making a point of you being your own person. Don’t let them bullshit you with the point of being “young and inexperienced” or that shit.

Also watch for this, my parents use it to emotionally blackmail me but I doubt yours are as extreme. Just be careful and attack her points without losing your head, don’t chase her down but keep the pressure as you deal with her points.

On a question to help me build a better mental image of your mother if you don’t mind me asking, how much does she change around people outside of your family and friends. If she’s mostly the same (more reserved and respectful is fine) and she’s normally a decent human being she should be fine, but if she seems to completely flip a switch then maybe look out for that.

The military would get you away from your parents for better or worse. You’ll be fed, given a place to stay, and paid.

If you want an extended period away from them you can take active duty which will station you on a military base for your contract.

Or you could go reserves if you still want to stay within your home place.

(If you’re in america)

This is not a decision to take lightly unless you do actually want to change and leave for the better part of 4-5 years from home.

on the upside, you’ll be provided what you need to live and you won’t have to worry about surviving day to day while getting paid

on the downside, you’re in the military what do you expect

I kinda don’t think I need to resort to joining the military just so I can have more freedoms online but I really do need to figure out how the heck I’m supposed to have a regular ass phone for starters

I am so lucky to have the parents I have. :smiley: :+1:

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yeah uh, my parents are absolutely terrible human beings and I can see them doing this in a heartbeat / have done this, not saying yours are, im just saying it doesn’t bode well.

im proud of you for getting your first phone
good job!

I mean you’re 17 you can probably go apply for a job for the summer (if it aint too late) or start trying to do a side hustle (mowing lawns or smth) and save up money

Guess you just got the short end of the stick for parents, but don’t let that stop u :fire:

if you just want freedoms military is not the way to go

ive spoken with you about this probably 3 times already, you cant just get a job and buy one like i can because you kind of need a phone for most jobs in big 2024, so youre really stuck in a rough spot here

waiting until youre 18 is pretty miserable too when youre 17 and your mom treats you as a child and does not make any attempt to prepare you for life, just because youll be a legal adult doesnt mean your mom is going to treat you as one and, realistically, nothing will change

unfortunately im only ~7 months older than you and lack the life experience or knowledge to help you here, so i cant give you solid advice, and i take it that anything you can say to your mom is utterly worthless when youve told me youd talk to her about it before and nothing has changed

a big issue here is that having parents who actually raise you is important in modern society and its near impossible to kickstart your life without it

im not sure how you’re going to get a job, id imagine your mom isnt okay with you just walking out of the house, so its not like you can show up to an interview

really sucks, my mom isnt so involved with my life but she atleast puts food on the table while my dad teaches me life skills, seems your mom has a fiance but im not sure how much of a place he has in your life

“Strict and overprotective parents did not raise a disciplined child, instead they raise a perfect liar” or at least that’s what I heard

Just wanted to let you know that
a person with a parent as such has every right to lie to their own parent in a way to defend themself (but do please remember not to be a horrible person to others by being a liar) :hearts:

as a person with strict parents, I can confirm this statement as I am great at lying, which I realize is a bad thing.


The dude actively despises me and my mom desperately wants to break up with him but due to complicated financial issues they’re basically superglued to eachother :sleeper:

welcome to my life.


This is my biggest concern. My mom says I don’t need a job during the school year (which, fair enough, my schedule is already pretty busy). But eventually, I’m going to need to start making money one way or another.

I don’t think I need to worry about a job as of now since I’m already back in school but this fakeass toy phone has me seriously riled up and it will absolutely not help me with the schoolyear. if I want to get things actually done and get the gears turning, I need my mom to realize that I NEED a REAL phone, not some walkie talkie that can play royalty free pre-downloaded music with no lyrics.


Royalty free pre downloaded music is fire fym

yea it’s nifty and all but that charm fades away quite fast when you realize you can’t listen to anything else but the royalty free stock music.

and after doing some digging on this “Gabb” phone, it really cannot do anything else besides calling, texting, and taking photos. the absolute minimum. (which is a bad thing just in case I need to clarify)

It can technically do more but knowing my mom she’d probably literally make it not do anything else and be basically just deadweight.