Why is my parent such a tweaker bro

POV: you’re me

-you’ve recently turned 17

-you’ve been needing a phone for a while

-your mom FINALLY gets you one

-open box, look inside

Unveiling the Gabb Phone: Detailed reviews and parental insights



WHAT IS THIS :skull:

this isn’t even a phone anymore dawg it’s a touchscreen walkie talkie :sob:

I’m genuinely so pressed rn do any of y’all share issues like this


You know, on the topic of fake phones designed literally for 8-15 year old children, what are some signs I should be aware of if I have an overprotective parent?

…and here I thought I had an overprotective parent, guess I was very wrong then :skull:

Do they give you your own privacy, or do they keep inspecting your room every day? This one is a pretty common trait in overprotective parents.

First week of april I had some sort of a camp or a special programme due to which I slept in a hotel instead of my home.
My dad started renovating my room, by which I mean he started putting isolation. He said I’d have to sleep in our guest room for a week after I returned.
I slept in there until yesterday. He didn’t even have a basic idea of his skills. In those almost 4 months, he barely put isolation in quarter of the room, the rest of the ceiling was torn up.
Buuuuut he also decided why not invite some relatives to stay over. While I was staying in the guest room and my room was uninhabitable. They’re staying at least 5 days, maybe longer, which apparently is no issue.
He even said he’d put some protection so that stone wool wouldn’t fall on me. But with his planning, that never happened, and he won’t do anything while the guests are over.
So yeah, thanks to his stupid ideas, I’m sleeping with my parents on a matress on the floor, using a suitcase to store my clothes and with privacy only when I’m shitting.
I feel you.

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My mom really struggles with the concept of knocking before entering, yes

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Honestly I really just don’t know what to say

I’ve always suspected that my mom thinks of me as a little kid but this is just the final nail in the coffin

I’m not a teenager in her eyes, I’m still her little boy in 5th grade. I don’t get to have real responsibilities or privileges, I get to pretend like I do.

It’s genuinely kind of just insulting and I feel almost sort of betrayed


ngl if when i become a parent imma prank my kids real hard, and when they’re teenagers, i’ll teach them the ways

You are your own person, don’t let anyone choose what identity they think is perfect for you.
You’re not perfect nor anyone who’s ever lived on this earth, and that is a good thing. Everyone is different from each other which makes everyone including you a unique person. :+1:

So don’t let yourself stay being “a little boy” because of someone who can’t accept the fact people will grow out


uaghegh sorry for this cringy word thing, kinda just don’t want people feel bad about themself bruh

I appreciate the kind words. I think I’m gonna need to have to begin an intervention tomorrow as this incident was essentially the final straw of a very, very, very long list of infractions and injustices I’ve had to deal with in my lifetime. I’m marginally sure that things can go well if I play my cards right, but knowing how headstrong, stubborn, and generally self-righteous my parent is, I doubt I’m going to get anything through to them.

If I were a parent, I would most definitely notice if my kid decided to completely boycott the fake phone I purchased for them.

I’m not going to use that thing because I have the dignity and decency to refrain from engaging with a child’s toy.


What goes on in their heads when they do things like this? Im genuinely curious.

considering my parent came from a time when technology wasn’t really a thing, it’s nothing crazy to assume that what they’re doing is just them thinking that they’re being clever by getting a phone they’re able to monitor and use as essentially a tracking device, but sadly I’m not as dumb as my parent thinks I am so this doesn’t work at all.

Secondly, This is most definitely a boomer trap as the only parents I’ve ever heard of using this stuff are technophobic, overprotective, and paranoid people who didn’t grow up with the web. They think that somehow, completely blocking off their child (or in my case, a young adult who should already have regular access to technology) from the world is going to help them succeed in life, when in reality, it does the opposite, and it delays the inevitable, you can never truly control the internet’s influence, and trying to is foolish at best, downright stupid and borderline narcissistic at worst.


These are traits of narcissim if I’ve ever seen them.
I don’t know your circumstances, but I’ll warn you against arguing against them. (Narcissitic parents) It rarely works out. It may be better to wait until you are 18, but play your cards how you will.

I swear to god why do most parents think children are thoughtless, imperceptive and most importantly, inhuman. (and youre almost a legal adult :skull:)

Is it that hard to adapt to the future?

My parent’s only “”“real”“” justifications as to why I don’t have basically normal regular things that literally every other person at my school does can be boiled down into a few things, each of those things with flaws that reveal just how honestly bullshit this all is:

I’m not “respectful” enough and “until” I am respectful enough I can get it

  • basically when I disagree and bicker with my mom about something, instead of actually listening to my side of the argument, I’m just being rude and disrespectful and my parent immediately disengages from the conversation to try and run away from the problem (she does this tactic A LOT)

  • the term “until you learn” is absolutely bullshit and I hate it with a passion because it literally does not give any framework of time for how long I have to go for without access to the internet (spoiler alert: it’s been years, I still don’t have consistent access to a real PC). All it does is build resentment within me and I’ve been mostly just dealing with it but this fakeass phone is like being spat in the face.

I’m too busy with other things and I’ll get you a real device eventually

  • another example of a false promise, as the “real” device I got is a cleverly disguised children’s toy that’s absolutely not intended for my age.

  • my parent is not even employed, how on earth can she be that busy?? we do have income and it’s not like we’re struggling or anything but this is honestly total bullshit as her “busy” is lying in bed and browsing Etsy. She sometimes does have real errands but she absolutely is not working 24/7 and is not on crunch time, this is her being lazy and avoiding the problem.

Your grades are bad and you’re too immature to own a phone or have access to the internet and bla bla bla you stay up too late bla bla blaaaa

  • My grades never dropped when I owned a real phone briefly with my (now estranged) stepfather, the whole “your grades dropped” thing is totally fabricated as a convenient emergency excuse if nothing else works.

  • I only stay up late on weekends when I don’t have any real responsibility, and besides, I do have other activities like swim and martial arts, I’m not a slob, why is being on the internet such a crime??? (admittedly I am kinda lazy about my swim but I still do mostly regularly attend practices so it’s still a valid point to bring up)

  • my parent is kind of stuck in the mindset that I only want these things to play video games and screw around on the internet, which this might’ve been true back when I was 15, but as someone who’s starting to get their way around in the world and trying to make a name for themselves, I need access to stuff like a browser and social media to propagate and promote my art, I can’t be hindered like this, it’s genuinely destructive.

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This is probably above forum’s pay grade… I wish I could help, but alas, your parents sounds like a real piece of work.

I’d just appreciate it if someone could read through my ranting and see if anything stuck out in particular to them, like if something was familiar or a red flag

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… red flags?

Anyway, heres some advice I found in a random quora post:

So, what you will do is this:

  • Play safe.
  • Shut up and acknowledge that your parents are different from other parents. In this department, you have a bit of a bad luck.
  • A little lying is alright. You have to have fun in college. So, if you live in a hostel, sneaking out to go to nearby places or short outings is possible. You have my blessing. If you stay with your parents, God bless your soul. Keep a low profile.
  • You are young and in college. It will take you anywhere between 3–5 years to get out of it, depending on your course. Raw age. Your entire life is ahead of you. You will find enough time to do the things you want.
  • ONLY IF, you become an INDEPENDENT woman/man. How does that happen? When you earn for yourself after college gets over.
  • College is your one chance to turn the tables on your parents. Study hard. Take this as a challenge. Make a few sacrifices right now in terms of your social life and you will reap rich dividends later. You mess up now and spend all your time whining, being angry and sneaking around and being scared, you will end up being nothing later. Some lousy job you’ll get that pays 30K per month and you’ll still get bossed around by your parents and then boss and then later on, probably spouse. You’ll always regret not taking this advice then. Not every one can party carefree in college. Some have to struggle. Accept that you are one of those people. You’ll have your moment if you struggle now.

I’m not in college tho but I can see what these points are saying

I’m going to have to bring up that intervention tomorrow either way as hopefully a wake up call that the very delicate balance has been broken and I am now just actively resentful of the person who created me