Why is the AO Forums a rather toxic community

@opticalcord you’ve been replaced

Despite StockSounds having quite a high bounty here I actually agree


About the forums being toxic or the stocksounds thing

everyone who joins is miserable and hates everybody, but your hated more for reasons

it’s probably because you don’t exactly have the best reputation, but you seem nice

btw i am referring to stocksounds

well stock if it makes you feel better, i think you’re a real swell individual :innocent:

Some people here simply have no manners which results in them feeling justified to do so- when such happens, just block em and don’t respond, even tho it may hit on your mental health over time.

Also, you are- still young, i would strongly suggest to find a place where people do not treat you like this- it may not seem like it now, but it will heavily impact your mental health in the long run and that is quite bad

Dude, who cares? No really, I don’t want to come off as rude but if you’re expecting genuine discussion on a forum it’s probably best to log off the one that’s populated by 2/3rds 13 yr olds

Sometimes the energy you put out bounces back to you. Something enables them to act this way, maybe its you, maybe its just because they’re toddlers, idk

about the forums being hella toxic, we gotta remember that we are human and we make mistakes, and that no one here is better than one another.
Literally think about others bro. If you see a forumer not using this place properly just inform them on what they should do differently instead of bullying them off, that’s stupid and childish.
No, I’m not hinting to anyone here :sweat_smile:


found Destroyman III’s forum account

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