Why is tier 4+ defensive structures only damagable by siege weapons?


ok do you get the joke yet

no because i dont understand retcon

cannon fist is not a siege weapon… siege weapons are mortars


retroactive continuity, Aka changing what previously happened to make stuff that currently is happening make sense.

retcon beam is a joke about what vetex uses to retcon (remove his characters from the lore) overpowered characters such as morock and torren. canon fist, being a fs that would manipulate canon, would have retcon beam as a move. as reconning is manipulating what’s canon

do you understand the joke yet

torren was never anyone important to the story and only a concept for a boss, and morock is still canon just not him using promethean fire


counterpoint counterpoint: player attacks barely damage ships and no one complains about that
itd just be too easy if you could spam explosive shells with 500 attack speed and instantly destroy walls that cost 250k galleons


This’d be such a huge advantage to give to a specific build, there’s a reason siege weapons (usable by everyone) are the only things that can damage tier 4+ defensive structures. If you ignore the fact that it doesn’t make sense and purely argue from a balance standpoint then my counter-argument is the damage would have to be low enough to essentially not matter at all so no point in adding it

@SkittleSnakes1 we are so back

wait then how did morock die, or is he not dead anymore???

the same way he did in arcane adventures


so he just drowned instead of exploding on contact with water? or did he have a different curse

he had a different curse


aethereal flame?

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morock is no longer build carried :100:

my argument against this:
canon fist has high destruction, it can destroy terrain and stuff with ease, they do big damage against ships which is often unavoidable damage when you get close and personal
mortars are the same thing, often destorying trees and other breakables when you fire at them and you can predict where the enemy will be, with no way that the enemy spots the canonballs that spawn in the air in time and stop the ship/change course
they are identical, so why not further the similarities?

okay but in all seriousness, they arent the same yes, maybe im just salty that canon fist isnt getting invited to the ‘identical to ship weaponry’ group, maybe i want to have chip damage from the sides, maybe not


counterpoint counterpoint counterpoint: canon fist deals true damage to ships, and i mentioned in parentheses that there could be a damage reduction to walls


because then any strength build is basically required to get cannon fist if they plan to raid islands often and it becomes unfair for every other build, the high tier walls require siege weapon destruction so that people have to raid strong fortresses using ships rather than wail away at a wall with weak attacks for 3 minutes on foot