SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

I’d assume there were cultures who NEVER learned how to use magic, but when you are confined to seven seas tops and the magic users are killing everyone, you’d figure it out pretty quick

oops I probably should’ve specified but I meant in the time period after the pantheon fell and before Durza shattered the continents, there was an 800 year period where Earth was still in the current continent setup but humans had magic and stuff. unless you’re saying cultures without magic from that time period survived into the seven seas era and eventually learned magic there?

also I swear I remember a screenshot where vetex confirmed there were new unnamed promethean flames besides the still canon ones (inferno, scorch, aethereal flame), does anyone have it/know where it is?

North sentinel island still doesn’t have normal tech irl, I’d assume even in 800 years there would certainly be parts of the world that didn’t know about magic except for aura since it’s subconscious.

It’s just most of the world either figured it out on their own, or were conquered/trained by magic users.

Also kind of sucks that the 2/6 sea clusters (The Seven and the War Seas) have overlapping cultures, which means thousands of other groups now need to share the remaining seas, whilst still probably having Greek influence. Some people like the Greeks, Egyptians and the Japanese seem to have several nations between these two so raaghh!!!

Yeah, it definitely was, which means whilst communities nearest to Rome would have benefited from learning advaned Magic from the ongoing Golden Age, everybody else on Earth could still do this.

Might write one at some point in the future, main issue is determining what regions would benefit from the Golden Age? Alongside how much power/dominance Rome would have, since despite still being the definitively strongest nation (through Magic), they historically had an issue of Generals and Politicians beginning Civil Wars/ Wars for Independence.

What I still really want to see, is who are the underwater species Poseidon made? If Poseidon could have made entirely new (SENTIENT) species, doesn’t this bring up the idea that ANY God could have made a civilization creating species lol.

Also I want to see how Zeus failed so miserably, since it seems he outrighted just overpowered the other gods, but God-Scaling is just confusing as shit? Prometheus just killed himself for the Curses despite not wanting to (?), despite the Promethean Fire Curse, a large fraction of his whole power being stronger than Cursebeard and the Gods…?

probably weakened from fighting the other gods

It ain’t looking good for Prometheus, all his scaling relies on beating an old man and presumably being the one to kill Zeus.

we are SO back!!!

apparently he just had a different curse now

We are NOT back. This is NOT Morock. Vetex is trying to hide the real Morock, this fraud will NEVER be Morock.

nevermind skittles is coping.
morock didn’t even get a nerf, he’s just less build carried anymore

@SkittleSnakes1 have a chance to meet morock irl or have dinner with your entire family

i already meet morock on a daily basis, but if I had to choose one it’d still be to meet Morock again.

you would rather meet your favorite ficctional character instead of having dinner with your family?

i eat in the dark watching youtube so erm???

you’re too dangerous to keep alive

opening pandora’s box here but how far would morock solo forumer’s personal OCs?

all of them lol, the only one who even comes 1% close to beating Morock is me, but Im his loyal follower and would never attack him

he’d never solo corvus though

The Typ in question:

me, skittle and snakes are different beings who would solo you xd

Me? maybe, Typ? uh…

I wouldn’t even wish my worst enemies against typ.

(btw typ is the weird giant 15 ft tall schizo clown thing I made a while back I’ll probably draw him again soon)

(P.S: I’d solo skittlesnakes1 on any day of the week but don’t tell him I said this :shushing_face:)