Why is tier 4+ defensive structures only damagable by siege weapons?

Oh, good point.

try this build (just trust me bro its good i swear)
hanmbi approved, free of any negative status effects while maximizing ep and balancing the main stats as close as possible (the 15 pierce is the ‘free’ thing you get)

First and foremost, I don’t have a sunken warrior helmet :stuck_out_tongue:
Aaaaand there’s astronomically less attack speed in exchange for power, which is fine, but I had attack speed way more than intensity for a reason, so now you made every enchantment be intensity based, but I don’t need that much.

The idea is to be rapid-fire.

counterpoint: attack speed is nerfed and it kinda scales less the higher you go
so it will get less effective if you example you level it to lvl 200 or smth

Whose idea was it to make more attack speed not do more attack speed? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, why would there be a practical limit if I’m sacrificing other stats for it?

yeah especially when people have slow turnspeed (im going for a second turnspeed deckhand when frigate releases)

no like they decreased the efficiency from 50% to 40%
if you aint satisfied use a build that has
102 power
332 defense
101 agility
100 aspeed
98 asize
111 intensity

oh yeah its cause of bugs with mage apparently

So when we get to level 600, will we be able to have 1000 attack speed, and it’ll basically just be like if 200 was normal?

Whatever, what’s mathematically the most bang for your buck on attack speed?

idk ask the math formula that decreases the effectiveness ‘increment’ as you go up

well i mean
people were joking on how aspeed would be at 2% efficiency by the fifth sea

Marauding stat builds boutta go hard.

You were never a morock glazer you were a promethean fire glazer :pensive:

If Morock doesn’t have the Promethean Flame curse, what the hell makes him strong then?


Why retcon a magic that had no lore discrepancies, made perfect sense, had a good visual thing going, and was used by 3 different characters?

0/10 has modifiers

He still had a curse, probably still even grand fire
My bets on scorch or one of the ones we don’t know about yet

I love Scorch too much to let Morock have it.