Why isn't Damon a fighter?

He’s much faster and can freeze his opponents.


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His whole thing is that he’s a mage who doesn’t fight people but still uses magic. It’s an easy little method of world building to show something that players use for combat being used otherwise.

It’s pretty simple, really: he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

And I suspect this guy wants to live. Just a hunch.

He who lives by the drink, dies by the drink, so like

I mean, he’s a bartender, not an alcoholic. Probably.

very helpful

what is this joke ive seen it once yesterday

“Sir, do you mind explaining why you have several crates full of red urchin spines in your bar?”
“Uhhh… Medical purposes?”

Iirc there was a one piece post about Boa(and some other lady I think) vs Aokiji and someone said “He’s much faster and can freeze his opponents” to someone who said Boa would win.