Why... Just why

What about…Drifa…

Luckily she’s in the clear.

So basically…
AO has no R34 shit. Gamers, I told you we were fine.

for now

For now, and probably until- Fuck wait JTN exists.

Oh oh! Is my work finally being appreciated!?

are you foreshadowing something?

No, but AO r34 will probably pop up when it releases.


forum artists when there is a new person in wom with booba ( :flushed:)

dmds at work here. amen :pray:

Why do I hear M.C. music?

you mean GN

GN hasnt been completed on the trello yet bro, its gonna be M.C. for now :pensive:

Dont worry its just a furry porn

When AO releases, more people will probably play the game.

Those new people have a chance to be horny artists.

We need to prepare. Get the grand navy ready, we’re gonna need them on standby incase we spot a horny

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Don’t ask how I know but, Female King David Silver is on r34 :fr:

she is the alchemist in redwake

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that blond girl from the new sneakpeaks ?

That’s Drifa.