Why... Just why

Are you Drifa, Meta?


I am

Are you Drifa, Drifa? O h. I see.

Wait, but are you fake?

No, she just make an account for the forum because she saw how wholesome the community is :nod:


I think you misspelled horny as wholesome, common error

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wait shit, mb

sorry, mixed up the person with drifa, my bad

no problem

dmds moment.

I mean… It’s unlikely, unless AO hits the 5k+ mark. I hope it does, seeing a quality game hit the top of the front page would be a DREAM

But even then horny artists will be existn’t. Only time I’ve seen consistent horny artists for Roblox is well those oddball ones using Studio and the people who play that one jojo game with the female stands.

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quality game

you need nasa pc to run it when because vetex made it so the optmization is garbage

Runs fine for me, and I don’t even have very high spec stuff for my PC. Besides, Roblox itself is optimized as shit, whaddya expect? You have to go through hurdles and leaps to optimize a game running tons of standard Roblox terrain (Only two games I’ve seen pull it off well are Realm of Ruin and Land of The Rising Sun) and even when using bricks it’s still shit. AO being not a continent should help. Speak with any seasoned developer, they’ll tell you how shit any large amount of collision-on blocks or rendered things are on Roblox.

Also you sought this reply out… When it’s related to something rather different?

i dont understand you at all you speaking in some kind of strange ass lanuage because you making no sence

WOM runs better than Minecraft on my computer

your minecraft

has trojan 100%

Okay, let me put this in a language you can understand:

tl;dr, WoM runs fine on typical gaming rigs, trying to make roblox games with tons of terrain not laggy is a pain in the ass, AO will fix the lag.

ar runs fine idk what you talking about they got a bigger more complicated map and it runs fine

It’s mostly because of the small amount of cubes

WOM is laggy because it’s made almost entirely of cubes instead of being one block.

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for how long tho-

Dunno. Until either jtn or or the one who made that queen david art does I guess.

Bet they won’t doe

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