It’s just how he interprets magic, there isn’t really a correct answer for how magic works (since, y’know, it’s magic)
Pretty sure he’s talking about AO magic because he only listed AO elements which does have a lore answer.
AHEM, its my interpretation how I see “how magic works”
just ignore level, hes noble
No they don’t
This form of magic relied upon Magic Energy - which was found in the air, as well as in the mind. The Magic Energy could be summoned forth as a Magic Circle, which then produced the magic itself. When someone ran out of Magic Energy, they used a process known as Charging to fill their body up with the dormant Magic Energy in the atmosphere.
Ok, I misunderstood the trello then, what do they use?
I mean if you read what I stated above it clearly mentions you were somewhat right
Probably should’ve said augmented magic instead of circles but the lore might’ve changed in AO.
Wasn’t there a thread just like this one a few weeks ago?
Yoruh arguing about why fire magic isn’t possible, ya, but then someone said something about it mimicking its real world varient and magic fire being different from actual fire.
Then it became a whole ass debate on how the Arcane universe magic worked
The way I see it…
There’s magic energy in the air everywhere produced by that Chaos thing.
When you charge your magic energy, you become some sort of antenna able to collect magic energy from the air.
Magic circles are just a tool used by the majority of wizards to cast their magic until they “learn” how to cast magic without them (like curses or maybe the awakened form of your magic). I guess we can see magic weapons as another tool to cast magic.
What you casted is just magic energy in whatever way you knew. If you only know fire magic, then you will only be able to cast your magic energy in the form of magic fire.
Everyone has magic energy inside of them, it’s just that only wizard know how to use it.
wait, is magic literally just midichlorians from star wars?
This isn’t AVATAR
vetex already responded to level
I know, I just said that because it reminded me of Avatar
Why magic works, cause god made it work
best answer
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