Why no one talking about this change

25% is quite a substantial buff in my opinion

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yeah that’s actually pretty scary… but at the same time, this was needed.

Archons Amulet is probably the worst amulet in the game. At that point, literally just enchant a defense amulet with brisk or swift and you’re good to go. Since you can’t jewel amulets, it makes sense for their base stats to get a buff.

At the same time though, I’m not too sure if I want to see a Powerful Fair Power Amulet that gives 60 power at level 120 so soon. Either way, this change is still technically reasonable. Arcspheres weren’t supposed to be better than Amulets- atleast not in “raw” stats.(strong arcsphere gives 33 power and 18 atkspd, while a strong power amulet fair gives 28 power and no side stats)

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I dont remember arcspheres giving attack speed


I was about to say that but alright

specifically those dual stat jewels, candelarias I mean

but even at that, an arcsphere still gives better base stats with just power gems than an amulet does

I misinterpreted the raw stats part of the sentence and assumed that means base (no jewels) stats

Arcspheres are just versatile than amulets, and I think the buffs abit high but justifiable

I also think this is a response to the arcspheres and arcanium items having stats based on their magics which makes the amulets more outclassed

Amulets have kinda been shafted ever since gem slots came into existence

Honestly this fair to me
they got destroyed by arcspheres and arcanium bracelets…

…What? Where did you see this?

The balance doc

I just searched up “arcsphere stats” on the forums and I found everything.

Me personally, I think it’s a horrible idea. At the same time, though, this is magic specific…

I guess it depends on how much the stats will give, though.

Yeah, worse of all it will be tied based on your files magic, meaning you cannot use others and will force convert to your magic. Sebastian, a forumer and collector of many arcspheres, down to their variants even, is devastated that his collection will be converted

Here’s what I am talking about. This will also affect future arcanium items as well.

Fighting styles are also getting special items that will act like arcanium items and will be locked to strength users only

The blasted power amulet’s going up
Every go get your’s now


Never bothered talking about it on here despite it being on the doc for a few weeks. All it tells me that i can potentially keep my Brisk Crystalline Atk Spd Amulet longer.

Since we dunno if we’ll get past lvl 135 Cap for Nimbus i wont go past lvl 130 Item Upgrade.

Secondary Stat Amulets start at 65 stats at lvl 100 and end off at 78 at lvl 120 currently ingame.

25% of 65 is 16.25, rounding down is +16 increase, getting us 81 stats at lvl 100. And 94 stats at lvl 120. (Or smth idk)

Accounting for Nimbus lvl 135 cap to give lvl 130 items, then it’s 100 stats at lvl 130.

All without any Same stat Enchants and or Modifiers.

Brisk, Enhanced and Explosive give +3 stats every 10 lvls.
(+36 at lvl 120 +39 at lvl 130)

Crystalline, Sandy, and Archaic give +1.5 every 10 lvls.
(+18 at lvl 120 and +19 at lvl 130)

So upon release of Nimbus, anyone with a Brisk Crystalline Atk Spd Amulet, Enhanced Sandy Intensity Amulet, and Explosive Archaic Atk Size Amulet will have:

~148 Stats at lvl 120
~158 Stats at lvl 130

That is a nice increase to my Max Atk Spd/Size Builds indeed.


Don’t have a Max Intensity Set yet since i’m too lazy to grind on AO and im in waiting mode atm.


Here’s to hoping 650+ Atk Spd, 600+ Atk Size and Intensity next update.

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