Uber oni, every mage class (especially druids), abyss walkers, faceless…
you are one of the most based people on the planet
Now now let’s be over exaggerate here…
“Looks over to Vetex mourning over his creation in the corner.”
“Leans in closer and begins to whisper.”
Look mate, the guy is still in mourning.
Give it a couple more years until you piss on it’s grave now would ya?
“Goes back over to Vetex to comfort him and remind him that he still has AO.”
it doesn’t even belong on a tier because of how ass it is
They don’t have to be in a house to call their cameo ultra boyfriend.
You don’t get the full point if you log after placing someone in prison.
Not every class can sell their weapon to use a tome and get a celertias spell to infinite climb.
Also something I forgot to mention about rogue:
In order to get solans sword you have to rot 100 players and it used to be 336 players.
I did that and it took me over 70 hours of nonstop rotting.
Nah, but the game not tottaly skill based
the thing is, it’s not really a shit game, it has very good counterparts to what it promised, pvp, exploration, and i personally enjoy progression.
after the rot, after the person dies.
no, im talking abt the spear dash inf climb
solans sword is annoying.
And because you’re in a different server, it doesn’t count. I tested this before.
Abuse a bug that’s going to be patched eventually and that requires you to train spear exp.
But it is required to have ultra sigil at its maximum potential.
I’m sorry, but weren’t you that bozo in my alt account that was getting heated over Rogue only to later reveal that they hadn’t actually played the game? You can’t say “Rogue doesn’t have that” if you haven’t even played the damn game.
Besides, what the fuck does it even mean to “[not] have hope to be refined and made good”? I’m guessing it was just a finishing statement for theatrics since it’d be retarded elsewise, but, again, you haven’t played the game so…
I don’t need to play the game to understand that rogue isn’t getting updated anymore.
It doesn’t have any hope to be refined and made into something that isn’t one of, if not the, most toxic communities on the platform.
The base design of the game is horrid. I don’t need to play it to understand that telling every player to kill everything that they see in a permadeath game is anything but horrid design.
Rogue has nothing to offer but toxicity. I play games to have fun, not to stress myself.
45 minutes of pressing spacebar, as described by a rogue fanboy right before you with glitch abuse to grind something necessary for progression on every single save.
That’s worse than any simulator game I’ve given the time of day.
So why should I give rogue the time of day considering that its practically an insult to a genre?
I thought you had to be referring to something else since World of Magic isn’t getting updated but revamped. AO is basically an entire different game from WoM, the only remnant of WoM in it will literally be the fact that they’re under the same universe. That’s it.
So, the updated portion is dumb.
Furthermore, until it actually happens, you can’t say that a revamp wouldn’t make Rogue less toxic since a revamp isn’t even planned yet. As of now you’re just spewing hot air from your ass and hoping it gets taken seriously.
Most of the toxicity in Rogue is game induced. Being toxic in Rogue is directly advantageous to your gameplay, and leads to people becoming more toxic due to being treated toxicly, so it also helps perpetuate toxicity. If I get pushed off the ledge by some retarded Ashiin freshie and get gripped, I am more likely to do it to someone else because:
- There is the slight possibility that they were going to victimize me at some point.
- It is cathartic to be able to do that to another person, especially after being dealt it yourself.
But the game is the one feeding and encouraging the toxicity in the first place. If Rogue were hypothetically revamped so that the game no longer does this, the toxicity would steadily decline, I imagine. It would decline even more if this revamp involved a data wipe (which would make more sense in Rogue than in a game like AA since grinding in Rogue takes less time), since everyone has to start from the ground up in this new climate.
Not saying that, but I AM saying that whatever you say should be taken with a massive fucking heap of salt. I really don’t give a shit about how you spend your time.
What do you mean by this? What do you define in this specific case as the base design?
To make this claim, you actually have to play the game lmao. How in the fuck can you know exactly what experience a game can offer if you haven’t even had said experience. If you haven’t played it, you have to take actual player’s words for it when talking about what it offers.
That’s fine and all, but as it stands there are people who have positive experiences with Rogue. For you, who haven’t played the game at all, this should mean that you should think it has more to offer than that. But of course you want a reason to passionately hate on a game you haven’t even fucking touched because reasons.
Ironic that this post is above “rogue lineage is a top tier game”
You explained it well enough yourself, the whole ass game is designed to perpetuate toxicity.
That’s horrid.
nah you literally explained it yourself.
Not even you can tell me anything positive in rogue.
its still an insult to an entire genre.
You’re derailing from my point.
My point was that because most of the toxicity comes from the game itself, then you can’t make a retarded claim like saying that it doesn’t have any hope to be refined. It could theoretically happen, and because the toxicity is mostly the game itself’s fault, it’s not that hard to imagine it actually happening.
I assumed you weren’t referring to it no longer being updated because WoM is being revamped and not updated but you said it had hope. AO is not World of Magic. The two are so distinct that it might as well be that WoM is being deleted. The only similarity is in their location and the inventory being stored, but you could also transfer people’s inventory in another game and it still wouldn’t be the same.
Because you didn’t ask me to, lmao.
Don’t act like there aren’t any positive remarks whatsoever even in THIS THREAD about Rogue. Simple reading comprehension.
But why is CAPPING called capping? Lying has absolutely nothing to do with hats, wtf???
Local man seems to understand nothing about slang, smh.
No, your point explained exactly why I don’t like rogue’s design.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but now that deepwoken is becoming a thing, isn’t rogue being dropped for good?
If its not then that’s a really dumb move on the devs’ parts, they should 100% allocate all of their resources into the game that actually has potential instead of updating the game that’s going to die because the other game exists.
there’s slang and then there’s just intentionally using words that don’t fit and sounding kinda stupid in the process.
That has nothing to do with whether you derailed or not.
I already know on a basic level why you don’t like Rogue’s design.
Can’t read the literal second paragraph? I can’t deal with this anymore lmao, I have a zoom meeting in like 10 minutes anyway.
And you’re the authority on which is which? What do you even mean by this?
This is the same tier of arguments that people who don’t believe AAVE is a real thing use.