Why Rogue Lineage is a Bottom-Tier Game

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Spam space against a wall for 3 hours to “progress” (only to have to do it over 5 minutes later lol), combat system is an unbalanced mess that can easily be cheesed, if bad, it’s probably because the game has flawed thoughtless design, require to pay money (aside from just buying the base game) just to experience game properly, half the game is infested with exploiters and everyone relies on mods to get restores which just puts burden on the poor people (they’re not even getting fucking paid)


bottom-tier? don’t you mean shitty


i think the first guy had a better argument

So there’s realistically just a huge skill issue in Rogue Lineage? I couldn’t tell you, since I don’t play it, but from what I hear it’s both pay to play and extremely skill-based.

when i used to play it i just spammed oni skills and won lol

i came back recently and did the same in an arena against a uber spy and then a mage and still won, after 7 months of not playing mind you, while the guy i beat was an active player lmao

So you think it’s too easy…?

no im saying the pvp is disgustingly unbalanced

Yeah, I hear that’s the problem.

sussy topics

Not really, that’s how to cheese the progression.
You should get max just by playing the game and moving around if you get to like Day 5+. I barely ever actually dedicate time to training wall climb since I’m not a speedrunner.

Talking about race changes?
I mean, I guess? That depends on what you define as “properly”.
Also lmao guess who doesn’t know what “required” means.

True, and this matters more specifically because it’s a Roguelike MMO so getting fucked means your life is gone and so are all the loot you’re carrying. Potentially means game over.

RL not bottom tier though, that’s massive overexaggeration.

Here’s what Alv means in detail:

Essentially there’s something in the game called mana climb and in order to train it you need to climb more often. Max mana climb is INCREDIBLY important. In order to become base class mage unless you’re willing to mass server hope you NEED to have max mana climb to access one of the areas for the skills. A lot of ultras also require max mana climb so grinding it is almost a requirement but its still fucking stupid. It also doesn’t carry over when you wipe.

Infinite combos are a mess. Edicts are basically specs for those with clout. The balancing has always been unfun and dogshit. Ultra illusionist is still completely fucking useless I’m pretty sure. My favorite part was also when Vind for like a whole fucking year was able to be immortal to all mages essentially making them useless. Let’s also talk about this stupid shit:

The problem in the video below I’m fairly certain was addressed but it took WAY longer than it should have. Essentially that single move killed all of those people instantly.

You need alts to be able to get the best build possible for your class. As well as for most people, if you don’t have friends, you NEED alts.

Players also get falsebanned more than exploiters get banned.

The mods wholeass exploit dupe and are corrupt as fuck. They never did restores properly throughout the whole time I have been in rogue. They would consistently false ban and I’m like 99% sure they used to dupe.


5 hours of running around just to ‘progress’

alts and alt grinding. name more than 10 players who got to khei without using alts. i mean race changes are also important if you get something like scroom, and as far as i remember dinakeris are pretty busted so it’s not just a small thing either

in terms of scripting, loremaking, map, race, class design, animation, models, style etc. the game’s really good at it. but in terms of gameplay there’s 10x more negatives than there are positives

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also I’m fucking broke so I can’t play it


Typical faceless macro ing, patched now I think…

It’s not even three hours it’s like 45 mins, plus unless you can’t inf climb then Idk why you would need it for anything other than tundra

Wym? Are you talk abt school grips or boosting? Those can be done solo they just more difficult

Also mods are better now I think…
Rogue has a lot of flaws,
But we can’t hate on it when it’s a LOT more fun that WoM

baseless analogy considering WoM was only finished a small percentage

other than that have this meme


There’s been faceless combos that broken for so fucking long its ridiculous. It’s still VERY easy to kill an ultra sigil in seconds as a faceless I’m pretty sure.

45 minutes of spamming space. 45 minutes of spamming space. You fail to realize that you LITERALLY NEED IT for A GIANT CHUNK OF CLASSES. Oni needs it to get out of snake pit, sigil knight needs it to enter the tree, decent chunks of the tundra are literally inaccessible without max climb, Khei, castle rock, dpit, the entire fucking deep thing in the sleeping forest, access the fallion without spam rejoining and running across the map.

My friend has been trying to progress in rogue and every SINGLE FUCKING TIME HE GETS A DUDE IN JAIL THAT DUDE CALLS A FUCKING ULTRA SQUAD. Progression is completely fucked without having a giant group of people. Gripping is also fucked because once again, you can’t solo shit without getting ganked by 25 people for almost killing 1 dude. There’s a reason solo progression is rare as fuck.

The mods definitely didn’t get better considering the only online ones I seen back then were fuckin junior mods and even then 75% of them were like “go dm x for restore.” I’m also like 100% sure Gallica is still fuckin in charge.
Rogue has been less fun for me with how fucking ridiculous it got.

Tips for rots
-don’t rot house members, you can if you want but if you see their fellow house member join, log

Simple, just rot and log yk

Inf climb, it’s not hard, it’s plus most of those places are in tundra anyways, I said that you don’t need max climb unless you’re going to tundra early on

Game requires logging to be played and have fun.
Bad game.

Game requires glitch abuse to progress at anything that even resembles a decent speed.
(Still 45 minutes of pressing spacebar is awful, even worse than most simulators)
Bad game.

Just because a shit game is slightly better than a different shit game doesn’t make it any less of a shit game, that make sense to you?

WoM isn’t even a shit game, honestly. At least it has hope to be refined and made good.
Rogue doesn’t have that.


Game sounds pretty wack.

As a person who has never played Rogue Lineage, I can confirm that Rogue Lineage is a bottom-tier game.

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