Why the Savarians are the noblest peoples in Magius

The Savarians as of Y2985 are different from the Savarians of Y1854.
Although ancestrally similar, they are still different entities.
One would easily discern this by reading that I wrote “in Magius” and not “in the Seven Seas”, but I suppose one must not expect too much from the inferior Vistarians and Alaleans.

dnc, vistarians winnin


and alaleans and vistarians didnt change from the 7 seas to magius because?
i suppose savarians really cant discern changes within society smh

I’m betting a bored English course student decided to troll us one day.

Right on, fellow Vistarian.

Vistarians winning we’re rich. Savarians stay poor because they can’t defend themselves from a bandit. Both in savaria and sabura.

Fish Grabbers winnin Sand Bandits losing

vistarians winning


The ills within the Alalean and Vistarian peoples are not merely societal but inherent, derived from the advent of mankind itself. It is a flaw - and how reductive to merely call it a flaw - that has tarried alongside them, their children, and their children’s children from the beginning of time. Naturally, if a society is filled to its brim with creatures possessing such ills, such a society would perpetuate those ills, leading to even more dastardly ills. The root, however, is not within the society, but in the inbred nature of its denizens.

I say that the Savarians were a completely different entity in the same way that I call Castlians a completely different entity from their more corrupt, morally bankrupt siblings the Alaleans. I was not merely highlighting a societal difference in this case, but quite literally saying that the Savarians now are made up of more peoples than those who lived in the island of Savaria then, those who would have in the age of the Peacekeeper been referred to as Savarians.

Savaria as is is made up of the denizens of Savaria, Sabera, and all the other desert islands scattered across the seven seas that survived the great migration. They are distinct in that way.

An exercise for the Alalean bootlickers who will surely flock towards this comment like the carrion eaters and insects. If you truly believe that Durza was responsible for the outburst of Ramses II, then why would you think the denizens not noble enough for being powerless against him? He did, after all, possess the powers of the most unholy sea curses. The Peacekeeper themselves can be described as superhuman in their retention and skill in the magic arts, for being able to conquer such enemies with little to no experience or education in the magics.

Nevertheless, I do not expect the intellect of one who would willingly side with an Alalean to be so high as to comprehend the nature of my question, so do not think yourselves responsible to answer it.

Wow what a xenophobic teenager. (Almost sounds like a stan :eyes: )

Vistarians win at nothing but being professional low-lives and scum.
In all else they are inferior. I consider them the great god Prometheus’ only mistake.

Yes, and we are proud of that
we are literally florida


may I ask what is your view on canopian people

Nothing of particular interest, for I neither like nor dislike them. I would consider them better than most for keeping to themselves and not interfering with others, and I do consider them noble for valuing their own beliefs and way of life, resisting the influence of other neighboring countries.

Although I have never seen one nor read much on them, they seem to shy away from violence, surviving on the fruits and berries they come across as well as dead animals. Of this I have nothing to say except that a culture that does not embrace violence will be subject to those who do. I am certain the Vistarians and Alaleans are sitting in their offices, licking their lips at the thought of using them for their own benefit. After all, what manner of person is it that fears a fangless serpent? Such a thing can be found only in children and the naturally weak hearted.


ok here I have an idea: give your opinion on every culture present in magius

That’s the purpose of this very post.
I currently have subsections on the Vistarians, Alaleans, Doomyrians, Savarians, and Skylians.

oh oof I didn’t realize

Alaeans bad. But better then savarian. Vistarian best

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Mad cuz bad. Go back to being bullied by alaleans beating the shit out of big daddy Prometheus dust bandit

I can confirm that I have caused at least 189030891565736430316510685 dubious heinous injustices and counting. :frhigh: