Why wasn't Cursebeard able to solo Durzcheron and Zeus?

I don’t think it implies that Zeus was only revived towards the end of the fight, just that he was revived for the purpose was to be the last line of defense. He can do a lot from there even without going to the frontline himself since like his whole deal is storms, but also if anybody tried to fly over like I was saying that is 100% a part where he’d come into play as a last line of defense. I’m also pretty sure the entire fight was the last line of defense cause Cursebeard is right on Acheron’s heels here, but even if I’m wrong Zeus can still slam them from the back with storms the whole time that they’re fighting which would really fucking suck while they’re having to spend all their time carving through what probably seems to them like limitless hordes of undead. Not to mention that the undead themselves aren’t just fodder like even if they all would go down in one hit, possibly tens of thousands of even just decent mages as a whole are gonna be able to do damage to the much smaller group their facing. Then any one of the OSP dies and it kinda snowballs from there.

I feel like Acheron would know if they were in a position to do this then Acheron would also be aware and be prepared by that point. If there’s any context that means he couldn’t do that my bad.

I dunno if I agree with most of lore having this problem or not, but regardless of that I can 100% agree with the sentiment that the event is extremely vague and doesn’t get the attention it deserves. I still full well think with what’s said on the lore doc can interpreted in a way that makes the conclusion of the fight perfectly believable, but the lack of detail is not only disappointing but kinda forces people to think about this more than they should really have to(which isn’t a lot the audience should not have to think that hard about how one side won a fight if the method is some secret for a reveal later) and just doesn’t give enough respect to what is like you said the second biggest fight ever. One that involves the strongest human ever and probably the largest human armies ever. I get the AA portion is kinda meant to focus on what the PK would know and Cursebeard probably wouldn’t go over the battle in detail with them, but it’s not like the lore doc has a rule that it has to keep with PK’s perspective for that part. I’m am definitely with you on the Cursebeard War needing a lot more emphasis and detail.

guys how do i put non-serious in my topic tags

How did I not notice the fucking Aokiji meme at the start lmao, but anyways if you just go up to the body of the your initial message saying “Hes much faster and can freeze his opponents” and click edit you can add additional tags. Though I think a lot of these convos would have happened either way.

Honestly, I would have been fine with it if it went even a little bit further into explaining Durza’s forces (such as his arsenal of Undead Gods, or his army of super duper powerful undead mages, or like, anything aside from his unsinkable ghost ships).

I don’t even have this same problem with the Olympus war, mainly because it actually feels believable that a combined force of Arthur, Apollo, Poseidon, and a dozen other dudes could take down a weakened mount Olympus and Prometheus. I think the fact that the Olympus War is extremely likely to be explored later on in AO, while the Cursebeard War is very unlikely to ever be revised or explained in, or after AO is what is really differentiates them for me here.

also on a sidenote:


“Oh, I don’t view Durza as a threat!”
-Arthur for the last 54 years.

FOR SOME UNGODLY reason, he never took action against Durza in spite of the fact that Durza literally blew up the world last time and could do it again if unchecked. IS HE STUPID!? HE IS! HE’S STUPID AS HELL!

Its not like his raw strength could solo every battle. Yeah, we know, who is “weaker” and who is “stronger”, but everything depends on the situation. Even in situations when you are 100% sure that you will win, one small mistake or factor may absolutely change the outcome, not even mentionning the full potential of Durza’s cheats.

There are no confusing plot-holes in ba-sing-se

I’m gonna guess Durza won by sure hax, cheese, and power from ressurected individuals.

What I feel like was a deciding factor though is coordination.
Last I checked Durzarcheon could control his undead, if close enough or atleast command them.

By that and the fact he had an army of many millions of undead mages and possibly further gods(If the war was expanded on) then it’d be difficult for even those like Cursebeard to break through.

1000’s of undead warriors in perfect sync and endless numbers constantly bombarding your army from every angle in unsinkable ghost ships(no idea how that works)
By coordination and the power of numbers where basically anywhere could be a trap of undead warriors it’d be difficult to break through.

Not downplaying Cursebeard, Poseidon, or Apollo I just think that by this logic and if Durzarcheon had 5 ounces of IQ it’d actually prove to be a major challenge whereas their army is constantly bombarded.

reminds me of this

lowkey durza should be the strongest in the verse
more curses than arthur
more knowledge than theos (mf studying in his darkness tower for ages)
and still gets no diffed by a wood curse user


Cursebeard is a dumbfuck for bringing his army to their deaths when he could’ve just soloed durza himself

It’s not like he could get tired out by durza’s fraud squad when he has the energy curse

Although i like that the webcomic had durza shank the fire curse off rupin so cursebeard couldnt cheese him with ice and tide

fr, and it’d make him a legitimate threat instead of having us wonder why cursebeard and his group of fucking GODS didn’t just bulldoze him and his undead goons

Prime theos vs prime durza (literally just one guy, not even a curse user): Theos stomps this bum, not even close, durza has to nuke earth to get away with his life

Cursebeard (strongest person alive) and a few actual gods vs fraudza (weaker than when he fought prime theos) and corpse zeus (presumably weaker than when he was alive, also weaker than prometheus, who cursebeard killed.): Durza wins :)

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Him getting sad and getting shanked is fine but he never should’ve been in that situation in the first place

nah i have issues with him getting depressed
if anything he should get a fucking rage boost when he’s finally face to face with the murderer of his friends and he has the power to beat him, not just let durza kill him right when he has the power to stop durza

stupid reason, just let durza be strong enough to beat cursebeard with undead zeus in a fair fight

Tbh the webcomic does have some bits that would improve the storyline a lot, my main complaint is that they go to like 2-3 islands in each sea and that’s it for that sea

Valid complaint but its one guy doing the whole thing theres no time for allat

I don’t think vetex really ever got to that point in the story only the outline but he’ll probably explain or retcon something

Also more importantly, he knew multiple gods, he should be aware even when their mortal form dies they continue to live, why the fuck would he get depressed???

cus the plot demanded he commit sewerslide so the pk could fight durza