Why we need to see more of vetexs cats

Now, as you can see in this photo which was posted on Vetex’s twitter account

It shows 2 cute black cats. Obviously, since I love cats, I have decided that we, the forums, the community as a whole, even the reddit parts… Needs to see more of these cats. And they’re not just any cats, they’re black cats! The cutest kind of cat. I infact have 2 black cats myself… I believe that Vetex should post more pictures of these cats and even go as far as to make them the mascots of Arcane Odyssey. And another reason is that the cats look fat, which shows that Vetex takes care of his cats (which is a surprise when you acknowledge the fact that he works on the Nimbus Sea update all day and probably doesn’t shower). Who’s with me on this one?


i doubt that he doesent shower
hes not like most devs

we will rise under the dictatorship of shadow and bear



yoooooo vetex replying (when was the last time he did lol)

Ik we need to see more of these two

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I’ve been waiting for this man to comment

Vet finish replying and share your thoughts


their names are bear and shadow and they are both 1 yr old brothers who i got from a shelter in early february

also they arent fat theyre just kinda big cuz they went through puberty before they got neutered








yesss the cat compilation I was waiting for!

Yooooooo massive W

posted a full album

these are my new background pictures bro

(spent more than 5 minutes on the forum)

thank you vetex… youre the best dev in the world

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Soooo cuteeee!!!

I love cats… I wish I had one ;-;

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omg cats!!! they look so cute

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I’m mad about cats, yours are adorable I love them

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