Why were Wizards replaced with Mages?

Acheron used to be known as the “Dark Wizard,” but the Lore Doc now titles him as the “Dark Mage” or the “Evil Mage.”

The Crazy Wizards from AA are now called “Young Mages” in the Lore Doc.

Did Vetex ever state why this happened? Or why do you think it happened? I know it’s a strange question, but I just want to know.

feels more positive in terms of conotations imo, and also Mage sounds more ominous/professional (?)

mage is just a magic user, a wizard is someone with magical powers. unsure if there’s a difference but Mage just sounds cool anyway :person_shrugging:

Wizard has connotations.
When you think of Wizard, you think of an old man with a staff, a pointy hat, and a pet crow, and he’s dedicated his life to learning how to set villages on fire, only to sit up in a tower combining soap bottles to make potions.

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If I remember correctly, wizard is the male name for someone who uses magic while witch is the female equivalent. Maybe Vetex changed it to mage so it doesn’t assume gender? Or maybe I am thinking too hard about a name change in a silly Roblox game, but that’s what I think might have caused it

Isn’t that the Harry Potter naming scheme?

I don’t know since I never really bothered with the series (don’t like its creator), if it seems that way then it’s pure coincidence

Wizards weren’t created JK. Rowling. Magical beings have been named wizards far before then

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No, I specifically said that about the one with the gender thing.

oh .

No there is witch and a witcher

I always thought it was witch and warlock with wizard just… there

Yeah you are correct with that
Wizards and witches do entirely different things. It’s just that a certain someone decided that gender was actually the important thing instead.