Why yall so pressed over an optional marker

Genuinely curious since some of yall are really against it when you can click toggle markers

Being forced to is a different feeling than being able to, it’s like being forced to cliff jump compared to choosing to cliff jump

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bad example

cliff jumping is really fun always

Fun fact: some people have a fear of heights.

I know, it’s crazy


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But that just makes it more fun

i think people were more mad that others didn’t know how to use a compass than the map marker

The marker sucks anyway and barely helps for traveling at night time since it’s always like 20 seconds behind

Gotta close and reopen the map a few times to know

my assumption and summarization of the entire ordeal was:

  • seemingly forced like wom was
  • lightly betray the intention of going the opposite direction of wom’s direction/exploration handling and going for a more difficult, focus on familiarizing and exploring the island enough to be like the back of ur hand.
  • redundant/useless ui indicators on rpgs ‘pstd’ (why have A exist when B & or C exists which does the same thing or does it better)

those are the 3 i can remember and think of of what caused the initial knee jerk reaction before the topic devolved into it being closed for being pointless bickering w/ another at that point

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