Why you should fish in Dark Seas

With Dark Seas coming soon after Potions we should start fishing in the Dark Seas

  1. Better Sunken Pity
    2.The voices
    3.Can get Full Sunken Set in 1 second

1 more reason

Can get Arcanium Sunken sword infused with Blizzard Magic

I hope you understand have a good day

i really hope vetex adds unique catches/fish in the dark sea
thatll be really cool

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Ikr I requested it in my suggestor application didn’t make it in

1 more reason

Can get Arcanium Sunken sword infused with Blizzard Magic

Suggested this

He did say in the QNA he wanted to add Colossal Variants catchable in the Dark Sea

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colossal colossal squid


best part of the update

me when misinformation

but like yeah I would love to have some colossal catches in the dark sea.

perhaps trying to catch one could summon it if it’s like a colossal colossal squid and now you have to fight it



fish in the dark sea so you can go to the depths (THE LEVIATHIAN IS REAL!!)


Me when I spread misinformation