Whyd hecate shatter her soul?

like why, I dont remember why she shattered her soul in to millions of hecate essences, didn’t like prometheus take her powers?

cause it was either that or wander the world forever as a spirit and i guess she wanted to fuck things up out of spite

The lore doc says she shattered her soul to avoid a conventional god’s death and have her soul wander around the earth for centuries or millennia. I’d assume that with it shattered into countless fragments, her existence (and maybe her conscience) is able to continue living and might still be able to actively influence the world in some ways

she saw with her foresight that it would lead to Prometheus’ downfall and though that would be extremely funny to have the last laugh


suicide hotlines didn’t exist back then

she’s stupid

Imagine shattering your soul into pieces just to suffer in dark sea for eternity and be used by random demigod as a tool to swap frist magic