Will AO Support Private Servers?

Since AO is vastly different to WoM in many different ways, I was wondering if Vetex is going to add Private Servers.

Personally I think Private Servers would be a good idea, so that players can farm/PvP/host events without the distraction of other players.

Side Note: Why were Private Servers not supported in WoM anyways?

kills public server interaction when everyone just goes into a ps just to farm/pvp


so many ways to macro and exploit without any threat


Only way I could see private servers working is if gaining any form of XP was disabled as well as any way to obtain items/galleons. That way you can use them for events (tournaments, 1v1s, guild events, etc) without worry.


People have said this a million times but everyone forgets all over again for some reason, this idea has existed since the start of WoM.

These are all stuff from over a year ago.

Why do people get dementia and forget about the conclusion of a non-stat effecting arena-like private server talking about private servers when people talk about them every other week.

There are literally so many posts on this


Thanks everyone. I understand now

I think the constant threat of attack makes the game feel more interesting. If it was just farming, it would feel like a simulator.

As everyone already said here, because of the grinding aspect

though if they were to exist, they would only be for Event Use and nothing else

hope it doesn’t

probably not

hope it does*

As a server that’s an arena/doesn’t save stats

I would want that too

Remember when suggestions used to be a thing bro. So long ago.

like the separate arena server ar has?

I would prefer if Vetex made a Ranked PvP system so that players can have 1v1 batles for ELO or something like that

What is ELO?

It shouldn’t unless it’s some sort of NW sea thing.

Thank you

i still stand my ground on this a year later;
having a private server solely for pvp and messing around would be great, and being in one cannot change anything like your overall statistics (such as playtime, kills, infamy, currency, etc.)

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