Will arcane odyssey have a lack of New Sea monsters?(recolored sharks dont count)

Ohh thanks

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called it

us lore junkies have doomed ourselves to overanalyzing every word in the lore doc :frpensive:

What about like a magically reconstructed version of the hydra and other mythical creatures? Could those theoretically exist? Or is that just something you don’t want to pursue

vetex probably intended for these to be sea creatures you can fish out of in wom, but honestly he should preserve both of these for the possibilities of these being ao sea monsters lmfao
(never mind i just read a lil bit above my post)

Where’s the source for the monsters tiers?

Theyre probably supposed to just die honestly

Its in one of the trello patch notes cards. If you want to find it yourself then gl because this was a decently long time ago and theres a lot of patch notes to read through

I just want to say.
Screenshot 2022-02-04 8.14.45 AM
The first fish looks like a sturgeon and the squid is a colossal squid.



You are the only hostile mob we gotta worry about :skull::skull::skull:


In both those images the player is carrying the fish which likely means that you get it From fishing because why would you be able to carry a sea monster that you kill in the ocean?

omen doesn’t like prussia very much

Adiris *



To establish dominance on everybody, just kill an island sized creature and then hold it above your head.

the mysterious hermit, first boss we’ll face in AO :skull:

I thought Iris was, I forgot the hermit even existed