According to the trello, bladed and ranged weapons will be able to get enchantments that affect them differently. Could fighting styles get the same treatment with gauntlets/caestus that could be enchanted?
I can only imagine this if Magic got it’s own kind of equivalent form of this (probably through wands, staffs, and tomes). Fighting styles are not the counterpart to weapons but to magic so unless magic gets this I don’t really see fighting styles getting it either, kinda would just be unfair if it were the case too.
I can definitely see wands and etc having different enchantments down the line since they vary in level, but I don’t think they’ll be available on release. If magic DOES get items with enchantments down the line then yea I don’t see why fstyles can’t get their version of that. Even if they’re not enchanted I’d love to see fist weapons in game.
Yeah some brass knuckle/gauntlet-style weapons would be cool and something I’m personally hoping for to make Warlords more friendly on the f-style side rather than just weapons that use strength (like big axe/hammer/sword). Not opposed to it, I just think that if these weapons for f-styles had enchantments specifically geared towards bettering f-styles then magics should get some kind of thing to match. Not saying I’m for or against it, aside from the fact that I am for fist-based weapons, but that if it does happen it should also be applicable for magics.
they get strength weapons, weapons that scale off strength and can be enchanted
keep in mind str weapons are warlord-exclusive, and any weapon used by a warlord can technically be imbued with a fstyle effect while enchanted. In other words, you cannot enchant fighting styles
yea I dont see how fist weapons cant easily be strength weapons?
i think the ability to customize your attacks like magic basically does that. weapons need enchantments because you cant really customize a weapon
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