Will gunpowder weapon be a thing in WoM?

I agree with you, I know gun is not something that is that have to be added but saying the blueprint is gone while cannon still exist is a bit weird

I think at least the flintlock should exist since cannons still do exist and someone in those 2000 years should think hmm “I should make this smaller since it’s hard to carry” and accidentally make a discount flintlock.

no u shut the fuck up. toxic dumbass

It’s been 2000 years what “samples for reverse engineering” do you think there are? The only ones remaining would have been destroyed long before that infrastructure was in place. Vistarians and Alaleans have no need for them, as Vistarian cities are all close to magic council locations and Alaleans have very powerful magicians and even Arsen on their side. This isn’t as simple as “blueprint is gone lol”. Fucking hell i’m 99% sure the only reason that there are cannons on the ships is because the models are reused from AA, and regardless of that in real life cannons were created much earlier than handheld firearms.

If it’s really that easy to just reverse engineer shit based on only a story of things without a single functioning or whole sample then humanity would be kinda fucked wouldn’t it. :fr:

Isn’t it also plausible to say that magic has developed to the point where guns would now be irrelevant even if they did exist? Curses and Mutations have reappeared in much easier to obtain forms than in the past, and magic is now highly customizable and usable in many different ways and forms.

tl;dr why use guns when you can have a frieza finger death beam

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Firearms wouldn’t necessarily start to be remanufactured 2 weeks ago, but as soon as they settled into Magius which was 2000 years ago when their ships where still whole, cannons included. The idea of a gun was relatively well known, magic was arguably weaker and less common than it is now.
Gun development wouldn’t be resurfacing just now, it would’ve been perfected over the 2000 years they had, and magic users would not use them anyways and an army of people armed with cannons who would instead be armed with bows and swords is undeniably attractive.
What I’m saying is the fact that the models are just reused with cannons attached while claiming there are no cannons is ignorant and lazy, a better way to do it would be to reuse the models but come up with a rational explanation as to why guns are not used anymore like for example “we can no longer make gunpowder due to the limitations of our new habitat, Magius, guess we’ll scrap that and develop in different things such as magic more seriously”.

As for your irl claims, I’ve found this:

Which states that the first firearms where most likely handheld, and later branches into the heavier cannons and lighter small arms.

As for the last paragraph I don’t quite understand what you are trying to say with that one.

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I think you forget that people were stuck in medievel times for ages in our reality. If you teleported somebody from 500 CE to 1500 CE. Yes, they would be a bit confused and the diseases would be different. But if they lived there for a few years they could probably figure things out. Technology progressed EXTREMELY slowly before the industrial revolution.

a few things

factories arent that common in wom

its almost guaranteed that the blueprints of such a powerful weapon wouldn’t all be located in one location.

why would they dump away the older guns, unless they all broke?

Me shooting up summerhold with my Arcane Rifle-15 (AR15) be like

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I’m pretty sure something like a flintlock wouldn’t even be able to last 100 years, let alone 2,000 years. Even if the blueprints weren’t in one place, they would’ve all been long gone from the process of 2,000 years and that whole Durza kablooey thing. As for the factories, those were becoming popular in the industrial revolution, something which the people of Magius haven’t gotten to.

According to techlevel,it would be possible to manufacture it again it’s just that they don’t have the proper technology nor idea to make it. It is hypothetically possible though. The main industrial powerhouses are also gone,Mainland? Vaporized. AG? Vaporized. Other places with smuggled guns? Probably lost in the calamity.

So well,that’s the reason why guns are gone.

Wood and small metal parts don’t last 2000 years is shit conditions, some completely submerged in salt water and left to rot for all that time

the ONLY people who knew how to create firearms were in a place that was annihilated completely, along with almost any mention of them

believe it or not a gun is quite complex, even the simplest ones

Wouldn’t it be rather easy to construct weapons, such as guns, out of magic once one has achieved mastery of said magic?
Say, for example, and iron magic user just casually making iron guns with the help of an explosion magic user.

Magic will dissipate eventually. Even if you were to make a make shift gun even with total control of your magic,it will disappear after a while.

Okay but the point still stands that magic guns are feasible and would totally be used by some wizards

In a way,yes I guess you could make makeshift guns using magic. It’s just that it won’t last for too long and isn’t exactly a “gunpowder” weapon.

Surely some amount of magically created stuff and things can have a lasting existance.
Say, bending the element of one of your magics into the shape.
In that regard I’m sure a few mages could come together to shape iron properly into the shape of a gun and create arcane bullets.

Well again,to be able to do that you’d have to have tremendous energy so to basically have that happen would require you to be a curse user pretty much. But yes,I guess what you told for a makeshift gun is feasible.

I’m just glad we aren’t getting guns. They were OP

A magical gun, along the lines of other magical weapons, would merely be a conduit for magic, not itself a weapon. Think of the magic blunderbuss in AA as an example.
However that’s assuming it’d be a traditional magic weapon, the weapons summoned by mastery would be mostly for show as the actual deadly part would be the fired bolt/shot of magic, NOT any sort of explosive force.