Will gunpowder weapon be a thing in WoM?

I feel like my points are being ignored, even though they hold merit. So I’ll repeat myself once again:

  • When people migrated to Magius, they brought their families, some food and supplies, and definitely some weapons, and the best weapons for a non magic user are guns. So all functional guns where definitely brought with them plus the ships cannons
  • When people settled down in this great new place, after some time they realized they would need more of these guns, and there they find out they don’t know exactly how to make them.
  • The most rational thing to do then would be to take apart some of the older guns and study them, reviving the craft of gunsmithing
  • For the next 2000 years magic users perfect their magic, while those not gifted would perfect guns

Now, since we will not have guns in WoM, there needs to be a rational explanation why things couldn’t go this way. I believe the best one is “There is simply little no none of the materials required to make gunpowder available on Magius”. Therefore after some time, people abandoned guns seeing how they will not be able to use them for much longer.

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I dunno if that excuse for why there are no guns makes sense.
All you need is charcoal (burnt wood), sulfer (which could easily be found near the volcano), and potassium nitrate, which can be found on/in all sorts of rocks.
Then you can make gunpowder!

True. but how would you make the g u n

the thing that SHOOTS the gun powder.

Hey, I understand and that is valid criticism. I will now accept it and attempt to adjust my argument so that it makes sense again (take notes people, civil discourse at its finest).

Let’s say since Magius has been pulled from the bottom of the ocean through magical means, and as such there is no natural deposits of gunpowder. Since it can be also gotten from other things, namely bodily excretions, people either don’t exactly know about it, or they have magic poop :poop: (a little far fetched I know).

So, another reason is probably necessary as to why guns can’t be made, but not just “the volcano is magical too, no sulphur there”.

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As for the guns, I will answer with a question.

If you were given an object, that you know nothing about, but also the adequate tools to take it apart, unlimited time, and some paper and pencils, would you be capable of documenting the parts necessary to replicate this object, and the steps to put it back together? You will have multiple samples of this object, and skilled craftsmen who could guide through the use of the tools given to you.

I believe any patient adult, let alone many of them with a common goal to complete the posed puzzle, would be able to do this in due time. Basically take some guns apart, replicate the parts, make more guns.


I… totally agree with you. I would take it apart (If I had the willpower to do so.) But magic anything can probably have Sulphur. Guns are fun (At least not when you shoot live things). And with the said power OF a gun, why not make something that is that powerful? you can shoot from afar without losing your trusty knife! Only for 50 crowns! made f r e s h from magic sh**!

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Yeah, I find it a little weird too. In these 2000 years, nobody actually thought about how to improve their life and invent something. Are the magic council brainwashing the people or something? The writing could do a better job. But then again, this is just a Roblox game. It’s already surprising that a Roblox game actually has lore.

idk and even if anyone can somehow manage to find a reason to exclude sulfur that doesn’t involve magic we will still have the possibility of steampunk tech to deal with(water and mostly steam powered weapons(though it is quite impossible,so i guess we are fine after all))

awwwwwwwwwww, guns are so cool!

actually, maybe we could add guns as an accessory instead of a weapon for the vanity slot, so they wouldn’t do anything, just for showing off and looking cool.

I know our growth was very slow before the industrial revolution but 2000 year of no invention that makes life easier for non magic user is little bit weird, people without magic are so inferior to people with magic and it not make sense if they just sit down and do nothing if magic grow faster and stronger, they will definitely lose towards the magic user

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Hello im new here in the forums so, sorry for anything wrong.

so anyways

I dont think there would be guns in WoM, i dont think the reasoning of “the blueprint is lost” is not a good reasoning i think the reason there would be no guns is because that they would be freaking busted.

In my opinions, these explanations are amazing like those canons were just carried from another places or recreated using the original canon and they found out that canon wasnt important due to magic. It seems understandable, they didnt want to focus on gunfire again when gunfire was weaker than magic in this game and even mercenary or pirate knew that and didnt use it. But that creates another problem, why do they carry the canons on the ships? They can remove them and replace with more people ,more chests or more weapons. Do they carry canons for selling, decorating, intimidating, etc? If then, who will buy their canons?

They can rediscover the way to make guns, and maybe fimd sulphur on islands

its time to ddddddddddddddddd

I think we can agree that it will be a no for balance reasons

It’s a no, but I would just love one that shot but does no damage, for outfit reasons.


God Wom sounds like they really went backwards in equality from AA. At least in Arcane, if you were born without magic you could get guns, you could join the equivalent of the armed forces, etc. in Wom? You can’t join the army, nooo because you don’t have magic. Sure you can be a bounty hunter, but you’ll always be second to a mage. You can’t join the police force, you don’t have magic. The reliance on magic, and supposed suppression of any technology which could put mages and normal people on equal footing makes wom sounds like a dystopia.

oh yeah since we don’t have fighting styles yet, that’s another way that non-mages really got shafted in wom

Time of Revolutions
Plot be like huh duh lower class wants to take down the upper classes(you and pretty much any other wizard)
(Not to be released ever)