I don’t get how someone can be so butthurt over a plothole and pointing it out
Your post wasn’t even locked by a mod, it was by some tester with 21 minutes of read time.
I think someone asked CoderCat to lock it. Who that someone is, I don’t know, but I have a pretty damn good guess.
hmmmm, im these ancient history books that talked about the people of note, they never mention the most powerful non-magic weapons? not at all? Like seriously, who wrote these things.
Also theres some npc lines where they mention a ancient government that was completely obliterated. (although I only ever saw this dialogue once)
(Edit) Yeah after rereading all of this guns obviously wont be added in, but for the love of god can there be a better explanation rather than : “Factory went kaboom with the blueprints, nobody bothered to learn how to remake it”
You don’t understand that guns in arcane’s time period were not widespread, they had basically just been invented at Mainland and just started being sold. The guy on Savaria was literally smuggling them because it was illegal to sell experimental weapons. (The A.G. had a lot of them because they bought out the inventor)
That being said, guns still do exist in World of Magic, but they are extremely rare since only a few people know how to make them, and they don’t make them for just anyone. These will be obtainable by players much later on, but not as easily as obtaining flintlocks in arcane was.
Thank you vetex, Even if they are like level 4k+ thats gonna be epic to have!
Boi, I can’t believe you had to jump into this bandwagon and explain everything
That’s a much better explanation, the plot hole is no more.
Can we have a mod or someone close this post so it stops getting bumped?
Yeah, I’m tired now with me pointing out a plothole and getting blew up
I tried with the factory explaination,but i guess it can also be gun blueprints were hidden by MC until 5-10 years ago and when a gun workshop was being built(3 years ago) some group just burns the workshop and the blueprints along with it(probs still won’t work because this would have to assume that all the blueprints are not copied because next to no one had any real way of figuring out how they worked apart from anyone that was in that gun workshop(and also the tools to copy that was in that one area),and it also needs the MC to be slightly corrupt or just split apart into two groups,one being MC and other being some - rep group that opposed using guns)
Welp that time got wasted trying to cover up a plot hole
Anyway lock this,vetex said yes