Will it ever be possible to get certains attacks/skills that bosses have?

Was just wondering if it will ever be possible to have certains attack that certains bosses do like Shura and his multi slash and big slash with his katana or the teleportation skill that Lady Carina has for fighting style.

i mean its always possible but itd be dumb to limit yourself to already existing boss attacks when making new ones available to players
at best there can be wildly different player versions of boss skills like axe slash vs carina’s axe slash
and theres no damn way we get teleportation without severe limitations, itd trivialize all other movement skills

Well, its not like fighting styles had any good mobility skills after they nerf them…

I really love games that let you get the boss abilities after you defeat them.

We pretty much already have carina’s teleport anyway, it just has some extra horizontal movement

Don’t remember seeing any teleportation move for fighting styles.

Get 200 agility.
Press T.
That’s basically carina’s teleport but without moving above where the enemy is.

holy shit i just realized shura has selino for katana

Having this for katana would be pretty nice since there is not that much combo extender with weapons rn.

Technically we also got Calvus’s dodge, since it’s pretty similar to a reflex dodge

good chance, yeah.

he’s a prophet

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What do you mean?

i mean that you predicted that you could get boss skills in the future
as for the actual topic, i feel like shura will be a side boss in the future, and he may be able to drop his katana with a selino-like unique skill

Doesnt calvus use array and Valerri use cannon, surge, and a reallllyyy big javelin? In a sense we kindaaaaaaaaaa have some

Calvus also uses visually looks like a cannon but it doesn’t pierce
And carina uses blitz i think