Will the TGR lose Current WoM players?

I’m almost certain it’s gonna be Arcane Odyssey, so idk

Well like, WoM/AO for the days following, to help out.

Still doubt it.

He might put it in the description though.

As long as i kept my levels and items i probably wouldnt mind but i would be confused about the boss items

You see most kids like pirates, and what are the majority of the roblox playerbase KIDS, and what is AO essentially, PIRATES so if my quick mafs are indeed correct 1 plus 1 is 3

We’ll lose some, but bring a big wave of players.

Some may go which is inevitable but it would look like a brand new game which can bring a multitude of new players.

it probably won’t disappoint. just give it a couple of updates. it might be a bit bland at first, but vetex will add more content overtime. Soon after that, it will blossom into something good

Honestly if I was one of them and had the landmass become islands I would probably be kinda confused and pretty pouty.


@Selector ay didn’t you thought of this before?

Big V has a huge sign in the desc of the game saying that It’s having a huge revamp
if they quit then that’s really fucking stupid of them

exactly, like honestly i’d be excited even if i wasn’t a person who knew about TGR

yes lmao i did say something like this

I think all is well, when your presented with the new title screen you’ll most likely be intrigued in what changed. As well with the new focus of story you’ll quickly be engaged in the first few moments playing the game.

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We might lose some heat-based magic users ragequitting (not me, I’ll still play).

yep same here

hopefully explosions will work underwater


I think it’ll lose a few, but it’ll bring back some of the players who’re in hiatus. A lot of people aren’t really playing arcane until the update.

If the player in question lives in detroit he’d just pass it off as “Fuckers stole my continent, can’t have shit in Roblox.”